UN Security Council violates international law in Yemen

The Yemeni Center for Human Rights has held a meeting in the Yemeni capital Sana’a. The event was entitled, “The UN Security Council and the aggression on Yemen – airstrikes and resolutions.” Participants discussed the United Nations Security Council’s violations of international law in its dealings with the Yemen issue and the threat that such a breach poses to international peace and security.

Faraan: The report highlighted the resolutions of the Security Council on the Saudi-led coalition’s violations in Yemen and the political cover-up it has provided for the coalition’s crimes, including the airstrikes on residential areas.

Saudi Arabia and its allies launched a devastating war on Yemen in March 2015 to reinstate a friendly regime there. The United Nations describes Yemen as the world’s worst humanitarian crisis, but has not yet taken any action to end the suffering of millions of Yemenis.

Experts believe that Riyadh has been bribing its way through the United Nations, pushing the world body to turn a blind eye to the years-long Saudi crimes in Yemen. They say the Saudi bombardments of residential areas and the all-out blockade imposed on millions of Yemenis are clear violations of international law.

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