The forces of aggression incurred great losses while confronting their wide advance towards the city of Haradh. Their losses since the last escalation in Haradh amounted to more than 580 dead and wounded, including more than 200 dead, including dead and wounded from the forces of the Saudi regime army and Sudanese mercenaries.

Faraan: The Yemeni army and the popular committees also managed to destroy, burn and damage more than 40 military vehicles and armored tanks, including a communications vehicle and a mine sweeper, destroying a rocket launcher and burning more than 60 Katyusha missiles, downing a Chinese-made CH4 spy plane, a small spy plane, and damaging and destroying 7 heavy and medium caliber guns.

They also confronted a massive advance of the forces of aggression on Haradh in Hajjah yovernorate, and carried out a counter operation to restore large sites.

The encroachment of the forces of aggression took two main paths with the participation of brigades and forces of the Saudi regime army and Sudanese mercenaries, the first from the southeast of the city of Haradh towards Al-Hayjah mountain range, and the second from Al-Faj south of Abu Al-Nar chain towards the Al-Hayjah mountain range with the aim of occupying the city of Haradh from several directions.

The missile force and the air force launched qualitative targeting operations with a number of ballistic missiles and drones on the gatherings and camps of the forces of aggression and its communication networks, which, with the support of God, inflicted great losses on their ranks and their equipment.

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