Deadlock of ceasefire negotiations in Yemen due to Saudi arrogance

The aggressor Saudi coalition is trying to avoid accepting the demands of Sana’a regarding the establishment of a ceasefire, as well as the payment of salaries of Yemeni employees, the opening of the airport and the port of Hodeidah, through the recent calls made by Oman.

Faraan: Political activists emphasize that the main reason for the failure of all negotiations in Yemen with the aggressor countries is that the political case is prioritized over the humanitarian ceasefire case.

During the 8 years of aggressive attacks on Yemen, the delegation of the aggressor countries always insisted on the priority of the political case during the negotiations, and this shows that the United Nations, the United States, England and the aggressor countries do not want a humanitarian solution to the crisis in Yemen. The aggressor countries are pursuing their ambitions in Yemen and trying to establish their position in Yemen to occupy this country and loot its national wealth.

The United Nations first admits that Yemen is experiencing the worst humanitarian disaster in the world, but at the next stage, they refuse to give salaries to government employees, and this shows the contradiction between their actions and their words. They shed crocodile tears for the people of Yemen and at the same time refuse to open the ports and grant the rights of the people of this country.

It is necessary to separate the issue of the rights of the Yemeni people from any military action on the battlefield, and the salaries of government employees must be paid from Yemeni oil and gas revenues. However, the foreign companies are looting the national wealth of this country without giving them the Muslim rights of the Yemeni people, so the Yemeni drones prevented the continuation of the looting of this national wealth.  The fact that the representative of the United Nations condemned the operation of Yemeni drones to prevent the looting of oil and gas of this country in the Security Council shows the complicity of the Security Council, the United Nations and the international community against the people of Yemen.

By increasing its missile and air power, the Yemeni army has created a new phase of military confrontation with Saudi Arabia, which will be completely different from the past. Therefore, the aggressor countries must understand the new equations and accept the Yemeni people’s request from them during the negotiations. The requests of the National Negotiating Board during the negotiations are: payment of government employees’ salaries, opening of Sana’a International Airport, and removal of the blockade of Hodeidah port.

The delegation from the aggressor countries considers it impossible to realize the legitimate demands of the Yemeni people, which means that the Saudis want to establish a ceasefire with Yemen in exchange for nothing, and the Yemeni people do not accept such conditions. Yemeni politicians stated that the aggressor countries know that they have to accept the conditions of Sana’a, but they do not want to do so, because the realization of this will be a great socio-political achievement for Sana’a and the Ansarullah movement.


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