Saddam’s daughter wishes for the Baathists to return to power

The remaining Baathists from Saddam’s regime, who are wanted by the Interpol police, led by Raghad, Saddam’s daughter, are trying to return to power in the guise of “ISIS”. On the other hand, Jordan refuses to hand over Raghad to the Iraqis.

Faraan: Since 2006, Iraq has been demanding the return of the symbols left over from Saddam’s regime. Baghdad wants them extradited by Interpol police, these elements headed by Raghad, Saddam’s daughter, are wanted for inciting violence, supporting terrorism and money laundering. Jordan refused to extradite her under the pretext that “Roghad is in this country for humanitarian reasons and does not engage in political or media activities.”

The strange thing is that Saddam’s daughter, even though she is wanted by the Iraqi judiciary and is involved in the financial, political and media support of Takfiri and Baathist terrorism, on all occasions, especially on the day of Saddam’s execution, praised her barbarian and cruel father. Meanwhile, Iraqis celebrate the day of Saddam’s execution as the day of justice, the tyrant who brought death, destruction and destruction to Iraqis and turned it into a place for mass graves. He plunged the region into self-inflicted wars and was always thirsty for the blood of innocent people.

Today is the anniversary of the day when Iraqis put a rope around the neck of the criminal Saddam and freed Iraq from the suffocation caused by his harsh rule. On this occasion, Saddam’s daughter arrogantly claims that she is sending an audio to the people of Iraq who were tormented by her father to thank “those who revised their account and apologized.” At the end of the audio message, he says: “O brave men! I heard your voice and was very impressed. “Revision is a bold thing that not everyone dares to do.”

Saddam’s daughter tries to attribute to them the words that the Iraqis never said. She wants to spread this lie and pretend that the Iraqis are mourning the bloody and black regime of her father, and are apologizing for cursing Saddam. However, this is not the case and the Iraqis have never done such a thing and will never do it. These illusions are woven only in the imaginations of a sick person like Saddam’s daughter who stole the money of Iraqis from the treasury and fled to Jordan, and now she is stealing from this money to buy fake accounts with the names of Saddam’s supporters.

The insolence of the criminal’s daughter is to the extent that she calls the world for a minute of silence and mourning for her father and says: “All of us in all the countries of the world should stand in mourning for one minute and let this truth be recorded in history, I am the first person to remember Martyrs of Iraq, I do this.” He called his father Saddam Hussein a martyr!

What he says about “documenting a minute of silence in Saddam’s mourning” is an invitation to the children of Saddam’s comrades and people known as Saddam’s orphans; The truth is that the geography of the so-called “lovers of Saddam” is limited to a limited number of accounts in cyberspace, which do not have a real nature or foreign existence among Iraqis. Those whom Saddam’s daughter shamelessly called “martyrs” were Baathist terrorists and bloodthirsty terrorists during Saddam’s time, who now hope to return to power in the guise of ISIS.

The cruel daughter did not sit quietly in the meantime and as usual by pouring poison and showing the green light to Saddam’s criminal gangs to continue killing and destruction, she said that the stage that Iraq is going through will not last long. Trust God to achieve your goals! Make up your mind and be sure that what our country is going through is temporary and, God willing, God’s help is near. Saddam’s daughter brazenly uttered these words, but the Iraqi people do not know a worse enemy than the criminal Saddam.




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