Acknowledgment of the American publication on the heavy casualties of this country’s forces in Gaza

FARAAN: The American magazine “Military Watch” disclosed the news of the death of a number of American special forces participating in military operations against Gaza.


This news was published by the Military Watch publication of the American military organ, quoting Douglas McGregor, a retired general of this country’s army. He said in a television program: “In the last 24 hours, a number of American special operations forces along with Israeli ground operations special forces entered Gaza for reconnaissance in order to plan for the release of Israeli prisoners, but as I understand, these forces were shot at and suffered heavy damage.

Undoubtedly, the direct participation of America in the Gaza war was not and will never be for the liberation of Israeli prisoners, but the fear and inability of the Israeli army, which was revealed by the Al-Aqsa storm, has put America in a situation where it has no choice but to directly intervene in this war. And the salvation of Israel is not certain.

America, which entered the field with all its strength under the pretext of preventing other parties from interfering in the Gaza war and sent everything it had in its arsenal to the Mediterranean coast, is now directly taking sides with Israel.

The United States believed that the brutal bombing of Gaza by Israeli forces, in which non-conventional American weapons were also used and has claimed more than 7,700 victims, will destroy the strength and will of the resistance forces, but now it has been proven contrary to this idea. And the resistance forces are lying in wait for the aggressors. America’s direct involvement in the Gaza war alongside the Israeli forces will not be forgotten so easily, since the people of Gaza have brothers in the axis of resistance who will never leave them alone, and this war will not be limited to the aerial bombardment of children and women, but their main battle is with the brave forces.

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