Al-Aqsa storm and the scandal of the lying Western media

FARAAN: Tom Portis, the deputy director of Human Rights Watch, said a few days ago: “Western countries, if they want the world to accept their claims about human values and human rights and international laws about armed conflicts, first of all, they themselves should be stead first regarding the principles regarding Israel’s barbaric attacks on Gaza.

These sentences testify to the moral fall of Western leaders and the professional fall of Western media in dealing with the heinous crimes committed by the occupying regime in Gaza since 15 days ago.

Without considering that the Western media are completely and blindly subordinated to the Zionist regime’s narrative of the Gaza war, some try to limit their news sources about the disasters in Gaza to some Western media and by ignoring the scandals of such media, again use the old slogans and claims such as “impartiality” and “professional work” of these media. Western media have proven that the West’s bias towards the Zionist regime is a general state, and the West considers “Judaism” a part of Western and “Christian” civilization, while having a racist and arrogant attitude towards Arabs and Muslims.

In this article, we do not want to imitate their sectarian and discriminatory view, but simply describe the existing truth. The whole world saw with their own eyes that Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, told the Zionist regime during his visit a few days ago that he stood by “Israel” and traveled there as a “Jew” and pledged that his government would provide the needs of this regime with weapons and money. Before him, Biden also said: “If I were a Jew, I would become a Zionist.” He also said: “If Israel did not exist, we would establish it ourselves.”

Spreading lies such as Hamas beheading children in Zionist settlements and assaulting women, and Islamic Jihad rockets hitting al-Mu’amadani Hospital and expelling reporters and journalists from Western media for criticizing the oppression of Gaza and expelling the Cartoonists from several well-known and long-standing newspapers in the West for criticizing Netanyahu in their cartoons and erasing all the works of the 15-year-old Palestinian rapper from all music social networks in order to reflect the pain and suffering of Palestinian children under the bombs and rockets of the Zionist regime. All of them are not the individual behavior of a manager or a particular media, but a reflection of Western policies in unconditional and blind support of the Zionist regime.

Looking at the actions of the western governments in interaction with the demonstrations that have been started these days to condemn the crimes of the Zionist regime against the citizens of Gaza, the truth of the unconditional support of the West towards Israel becomes more obvious. Also, the authorities of this country banned the wearing of the Palestinian headscarf in schools under the pretext that it is a symbol of the Palestinian resistance. The German police also attacked Arab and German activists in the street because of the slogan “Palestine is free”.

In the ‘Democratic’West, for example, the Minister of Justice of France threatened the supporters of the Palestinian issue in this country with 5 years in prison. The government of this country also refused to allow demonstrations in support of the Palestinian cause. In Italy, the government of this country announced its support for “Israel” and all the media of this country mobilized all their resources to support this regime.
The media and officials of Western governments accept and transmit all the news that “Israel” publishes, including the news of “decapitation of Israeli children”, and even the President of the United States, Biden, believed such a lie, and the famous Western media published it – only for it to be revealed that it was a lie and it turned out that the source of this lie was an extremist and criminal Zionist soldier named David Ben Zebon.


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