American war criminal Kissinger should be tried

FARAAN: Despite the efforts of the American political elite to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Kissinger’s birthday, which coincides with the 27th of this month, it seems that this effort will be fruitless against the insistence of social networks to try him as a war criminal.


Henry Kissinger, the former Secretary of State of the United States, was the best representative of foreign policy in the history of the United States. The American government, which was aware of Kissinger’s crimes in the world, awarded him the Nobel Peace Prize in 1973 for his role in leading the peace negotiations and stopping the war between the United States and Vietnam in order to make him appear as a man of peace in the American way. Nonetheless, the history of this hundred-year-old man is full of all kinds of crimes.

Kissinger, who served as National Security Advisor in 1969, advised then-US President Richard Nixon to launch a violent attack on the border areas between Vietnam and Laos to weaken Cambodia’s negotiating position, resulting in the loss of 900,000 civilians who were killed in these two countries. The International human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch have estimated that the number of victims in Cambodia was 600,000 civilians and in Laos 300,000.

The famous American Yale University announced that American planes and artilleries dropped about 2.8 million tons of explosives on the people of Cambodia and Laos. In 2001, Christopher Hitchens, author of The Trial of Henry Kissinger, called for him to be tried as a war criminal for his crimes against humanity between 1969 and 1973 when he was National Security Advisor.

From 1973 to 1977, he was the Secretary of State of the Nixon and Gerald Ford administrations. The author made many accusations against Kissinger, such as the deliberate killing of civilians in Indochina (Vietnam, Cambodia, etc…), conspiracy to kill and mass executions in Bangladesh, participation in planning to kill a senior official of the Chilean government who was in no war with the United States.

Hitchens accused him of being personally involved in a plot to assassinate the President of Cyprus, facilitate and support genocide in East Timor, and kidnap and also assassinate a journalist in Washington, DC.
Kissinger is accused of participating in the Sino-Indian wars and Operation Speedy Express, in which 11,000 civilians were killed in the Qinhua region. Therefore, experts believe that just as Augusto Pinochet, the former dictator of Chile, and Slobodan Milosevic, the war criminal of Bosnia and Herzegovina, were tried for the massacre of civilians, Kissinger should also be tried for his crime against humanity

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