America’s fear of escalation of tension in Syria

Observers consider the US action to end the tension in Syria as a sign of Washington’s panic because they know that the tension against the popular resistance in Syria is not in their interest.

Faraan: Observers see the end of the tension between the areas under the control of the Syrian army and its allied forces and the areas under the control of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the SDF, as a sign of American panic and say that the American officials saw that the tension against the popular resistance of the people of Deir al-Zor and al-Tanf is not in their favor.

It is among the rights of the Syrian people to target American forces who are illegally present in Syria, and if America continues to create tension, it will realize that its military patrols will not be safe. America’s concern about this matter was well evident because its helicopters and drones flew widely in the skies of al-Hasakah and Deir al-Zor. Meanwhile, the American military launched hot air balloons for surveillance. At the same time, they asked the SDF to strengthen their positions along the eastern front of the Euphrates River to prevent resistance forces from penetrating the region.

The targeting of the American bases deep in the territory under their occupation in Syria with missiles was a clear message to the United States in such a way that, fearing any possible additional tension, it declared a state of emergency in both Syria and Iraq and sent its forces to get ready. According to the observers, the US also benefited from Israel’s tension-causing action because it seems that one of the most important reasons for Israel’s aggression against Masyaf in Syria was to deliver the US threat that if its forces were targeted in Syria, war would break out everywhere. The fronts will flare up, and as a result, pressure will be put on ending the tension against the popular resistance, and the tension against his forces will also end.

Accordingly, after the exchange of missile launches and shelling between the Syrian People’s Resistance and the United States, calm returned to the region, and yet the United States is very worried that the tension against it may increase, especially in the shadow of what came out of the tripartite meeting in Tehran, which emphasized the necessity of America’s withdrawal from Syria. This is despite the fact that the people’s resistance against the illegal presence of the American occupying forces is completely legal, because in addition to looting Syria’s wealth, including oil and wheat, they are deliberately trying to add to the problems of the Syrian people.

However, the continuation of the Syrian people’s resistance and the continuation of joint Russian-Syrian attacks on the Al-Badiya region, as well as the attacks of the so-called Syrian Revolutionary Army, will force the American forces to withdraw from Syria.

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