An analysis of the unprecedented verdict of the Hague Court against the Zionist regime

FARAAN: There is no doubt that the decision of the International Supreme Court of Justice on Friday, regarding the ongoing genocide in Gaza did not reach the expected level and the court should have requested an immediate stop to the war. Nonetheless, despite this issue, the court’s decision was an important and unprecedented decision, because the narrative He crushed Israel, which is about the war in Gaza in particular and occupied Palestine in general, who is still supported by the West, and the pride of this is the resistance in Gaza and the sacrifices of the Palestinian people.

According to this report, the mere fact that the International Court of Justice accepted South Africa’s complaint about the aggression against Gaza and did not accept Israel’s request to reject this claim means that the international community is fed up with Israel’s terrorism and bullying. The regime, which until yesterday was beyond any international law and far from any accountability, was imposing its hegemony on the international forums with the support of America. But now this hegemony is weakened thanks to the blood of thousands of women and children in Gaza and thanks to the resistance of the men of that land.

The decision of the International Court of Justice is a historic and unprecedented decision, and despite ignoring the most important issue mentioned in the South African lawsuit, that is, the request to immediately stop the aggression of the Zionist regime, it can be seen as a step in the direction of “liberation” from American hegemony and the influence of the Zionists and the West in the international societies, especially the International Court of Justice itself, and this “liberation” would not have been achieved without the oppression and resistance of the people of Gaza.

Who would have imagined that in the era of American hegemony and the unipolar system that forces the people of the world to remain silent, the court would recognize the right of the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to protect them against genocidal acts and emphasize that the conditions for imposing temporary measures on Israel and request it to refrain from any actions related to killing, attack and destruction against the residents of Gaza and to ensure the immediate provision of humanitarian needs in the Gaza Strip.

According to yesterday’s court decision, the Israeli regime must submit a report of all temporary measures to the court within one month.
The isolation suffered by the United States at the international level, the Security Council and the United Nations General Assembly due to its support for the genocide in Gaza by the occupying forces of Israel, was repeated this time in the International Court of Justice. Despite all the pressure that America and Zionist lobbies around the world put on the court and its judges, the unanimous decision was a strong slap in the face to Washington and Tel Aviv.

The sound of the international court slapping America and Israel can be heard from the statements of legal experts in the Zionist regime who unanimously accepted that although the court has not issued a decision requiring Israel to stop the war in Gaza, the instructions issued by it put pressure on this regime will limit it and also bring the Israeli army and its military war under the supervision of international laws.

The fear that the Zionists have expressed about the court’s decision is completely justified, because immediately after the court’s decision, the Security Council was appointed next Wednesday to review the court’s decision, which asked the Zionist regime to prevent any “genocide” in the Gaza Strip and to hold a meeting and this was done at the request of Algeria and in order to make binding the ruling of the International Court of Justice regarding the implementation of temporary measures by Israel.
Stephane Dujarric, the spokesman of the United Nations Secretary-General, said on Friday that the Secretary-General of the United Nations.

Antonio Guterres, will immediately send the notification of the interim measures of the International Court of Justice to the United Nations Security Council. The decisions of the International Court of Justice are binding and all parties must comply with them in accordance with the United Nations Charter and the system on which the Court was established.

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