At least more than 189 extremist Jewish settlers defile Aqsa Mosque

Dozens of extremist Jewish settlers desecrated the Aqsa Mosque in Occupied al-Quds on Sunday morning and later in the afternoon.

Faraan: According to al-Qastal News website, at least 189 settlers entered the Mosque in groups through its Maghariba Gate and toured its courtyards under police protection.

During their tours at the Islamic holy site, the settlers received lectures from rabbis about the alleged temple mount, and a number of them performed Talmudic prayers in the eastern area of the Mosque. Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation police imposed movement and entry restrictions on Muslim worshipers at the Aqsa Mosque’s entrances and gates.

Several settler attacks targeting Palestinian residents and their properties were carried out in occupied West Bank and Jerusalem on Sunday evening. In Qalqilya, a group of settlers destroyed 40 olive saplings in Hajjah village. Along the same line, a settler tried to run over a number of Palestinian young men in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood in Occupied Jerusalem before fleeing the scene.

In Nablus, a group of settlers razed a Palestinian-owned agricultural land in Burin town, while another group of settlers stole agricultural equipment and seedlings in Deir Sharaf and Burqa towns. Meanwhile, the Israeli occupation forces notified five Palestinian houses and three wells in Masafer Yatta town with demolition.

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