
Imam Khomeini (RA) and confrontation with the enemy

Imam Khomeini (RA) and confrontation with the enemy

The stances and the statements of Imam Khomeini (RA) prove that his struggle against the Zionism began in the light of a single standard, i.e. the Qur’anic teachings.

The Jewish banking system’s impact on the world economy

The Jewish banking system’s impact on the world economy

Today, the world’s economy is in the hands of capitalists only, and the tyrants and oppressors, who rule the world, take the reins of the human economy of the whole world in their hands and turn the reins of human life in whichever direction they want.

The old imperialism and colonial powers

The old imperialism and colonial powers

Today, while more than 70 years have passed since the era of colonial rule, but the blood of imperialism is still running in the veins of India.

Growing religious / sectarian hatred in India and our responsibility

Growing religious / sectarian hatred in India and our responsibility

No doubt, even in the most difficult circumstances, if we avoid partial differences and develop a broad-minded platform, we will be able to bring together many of those, who have been harassed like us , under the auspices of the Constitution.

Pro-Zionism of the UAE, the beginning of a new sedition (fitna) for the Ummah

Pro-Zionism of the UAE, the beginning of a new sedition (fitna) for the Ummah

Recognizing the existence of Israel shows the impact of colonialism on the rulers of the United Arab Emirates.

Mahdaviyat (Mahdiism) and the Zionist Christianity

Mahdaviyat (Mahdiism) and the Zionist Christianity

The Jews felt that the factor of waiting (intizar) is common between the Muslims and the Christians that can bring them closer together; therefore, they used evangelical Christians, who are also Zionist Christians in a sense, against Muslims.

Struggle against Zionism according to Shaheed Motahhari

Struggle against Zionism according to Shaheed Motahhari

“The issue of Palestine has no history except its Islamic aspect. The issue of Palestine does not belong to a single government; the issue of Palestine belongs to a nation, a nation that has been displaced, whose land has been usurped” Shaheed Motahhari expressed.

The Strategy of Islam against the Zionism

The Strategy of Islam against the Zionism

Today all wealth and resources of the western countries, special the USA, Canada, Australia, is owned OR dominated by the Zionists as well as they are dominating most of the print media, and all the big television channels, thus, they dominate the world’s public opinion.

Jewish conspiracies from the slaughter of Ismael (AS) to the great slaughter (Zebh-e Azim)

Jewish conspiracies from the slaughter of Ismael (AS) to the great slaughter (Zebh-e Azim)

If we are not reminded of the facts during the occasions like Eid-ul-Adha, Eid-ul-Ghadir, and the days of mourning in Muharram and Safar and if the secrets of the martyrdom of Imam Hussain’s martyrdom will not be revealed, then all our efforts will be in vain and our celebration and our celebration and mourning will have no achievement.