Bashar al-Assad: The victory of the Lebanese people proved the correctness of the resistance option

 The Syrian president sent a congratulatory message to his Lebanese counterpart on the occasion of Resistance and Victory Day, saying that the resistance restored the rights of the Lebanese people.

Faraan: Syrian President Bashar al-Assad sent a message to Lebanese President Michel Aoun congratulating him on the day of resistance and victory in the country.

On May 25, 2000, the Provisional Zionist regime, despite having more military capabilities, surrendered to Lebanese resistance forces and was forced to flee southern Lebanon. Al-Manar news network reported that Assad stressed in the message that Lebanon’s victory 22 years ago is a brilliant milestone; Because he restored the rights of the Lebanese people and thwarted the plans of the Zionist regime.

He also said that the victory of the Lebanese people proved the correctness of the method and option of resistance; Because resistance is a natural right for any nation whose sovereignty is violated. In the end, Bashar al-Assad stated that the memory of the heroes who lit the path of greatness with their pure blood will always be present in the conscience of the people.

In this regard, the Speaker of the Lebanese House of Representatives, Nabih Berri, recently stressed the importance of Syria’s participation in the meeting of the Union of Arab Parliaments. While reiterating the need for serious efforts to resolve social and economic issues, Berri reiterated his position on the importance of inviting Syria to a meeting of the Arab League.

The support and efforts to invite Damascus to the summit are being made at a time when Arab League Secretary-General Ahmad Abu al-Ghaiz has said that there is currently no agreement between the member states on Syria’s return to the Arab League.


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