Biden has ‘turned his back on Israel,’ Mike Pence tells Republican Jewish Coalition

Enemies of the U.S. and Israel sensing weakness because of the Biden administration, the former vice president told a gathering in Las Vegas.

Faraan: Former Vice President Mike Pence on Saturday took aim at President Biden over his administration’s treatment of Israel.

“Make no mistake about it, President Joe Biden has turned his back on Israel,” Pence charged as he addressed the Republican Jewish Coalition’s influential annual leadership meeting.

Biden has “restored funding for the Palestinian Authority, announced his intention to rejoin the Iran Nuclear Deal, and now the Biden administration is planning to open a consulate in Jerusalem for the Palestinian people,” Pence told the gathering.

“This is an unlawful step and it’s time for Congress to act to deny President Biden from opening a consulate in Jerusalem,” Pence added.

“Weakness arouses evil and after the president’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan, our adversaries are sensing weakness,” he said.

During Pence’s tenure as vice president, then-President Donald Trump thrilled Israel and outraged Palestinians by closing the Jerusalem consulate and moving the diplomatic staff to the U.S Embassy in Israel’s capital, which was moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in 2018.

The Biden administration, in a move to improve ties with the Palestinians, has said it would reopen the consulate.

Pence used his speech to once again launch repeated attacks on Biden, arguing that under the president “America is a nation in crisis.”

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