Breastfeeding mother’s milk is Taqwa/Flood is Human crime not: Allamah Syed Jawad Naqvi

Sermon 1: Breastfeeding mother’s milk is Taqwa
Sermon 2: Flood is Human crime not calamity – People should set up disaster management network in Pakistan
I invite you and myself towards Taqwa and emphasize you to live your lives in accordance with Taqwa and establish your lives on the foundations of Taqwa. It is the divine plan and system from Allah for the protection of human lives. The human life remains secure under this system only and becomes insecure outside this. the human life has various degrees and for every level there is a protection system in place from Allah.
Life starts from birth and protection also starts from there. One stage of protection is in the hands of parents, then man reaches maturity gradually and eventually becomes responsible for the protection of his own life. Then life enters family stage from individual and here also Allah has ordained Taqwa as the protection system. Establishing family is part of protection and to continue that family is also Taqwa. The results which come out from the family life is the outcome of Taqwa.
In this verse of Surah Baqarah
وَالْوَالِدَاتُ يُرْضِعْنَ أَوْلَادَهُنَّ حَوْلَيْنِ كَامِلَيْنِ ۖ لِمَنْ أَرَادَ أَنْ يُتِمَّ الرَّضَاعَةَ ۚ وَعَلَى الْمَوْلُودِ لَهُ رِزْقُهُنَّ وَكِسْوَتُهُنَّ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ۚ لَا تُكَلَّفُ نَفْسٌ إِلَّا وُسْعَهَا ۚ لَا تُضَارَّ وَالِدَةٌ بِوَلَدِهَا وَلَا مَوْلُودٌ لَهُ بِوَلَدِهِ ۚ وَعَلَى الْوَارِثِ مِثْلُ ذَٰلِكَ ۗ فَإِنْ أَرَادَا فِصَالًا عَنْ تَرَاضٍ مِنْهُمَا وَتَشَاوُرٍ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْهِمَا ۗ وَإِنْ أَرَدْتُمْ أَنْ تَسْتَرْضِعُوا أَوْلَادَكُمْ فَلَا جُنَاحَ عَلَيْكُمْ إِذَا سَلَّمْتُمْ مَا آتَيْتُمْ بِالْمَعْرُوفِ ۗ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ وَاعْلَمُوا أَنَّ اللَّهَ بِمَا تَعْمَلُونَ بَصِيرٌ {233}
And the mothers should suckle their children for two whole years for him who desires to make complete the time of suckling; and their maintenance and their clothing must be– borne by the father according to usage; no soul shall have imposed upon it a duty but to the extent of its capacity; neither shall a mother be made to suffer harm on account of her child, nor a father on account of his child, and a similar duty (devolves) on the (father’s) heir, but if both desire weaning by mutual consent and counsel, there is no blame on them, and if you wish to engage a wet-nurse for your children, there is no blame on you so long as you pay what you promised for according to usage; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah and know that Allah sees what you do.
The mothers should feed their children with milk for two years if they desire. Then provide the children with necessities and clothing in a good manner and this is the responsibility of father. This duty on parents is only to the extent they have the abilities and capacity. For the sake of child the mother should not be made to suffer that child is taken full care but mother is ignored and should not be the other way around as well. Both should not get sacrificed over each other. If the father passes away and mother is feeding the children then the inheritors of father have the responsibility to fulfill the rights of mother and child. Secondly if the husband and wife with mutual consent want to divorce whereby both are agreeing and not compromising on the rights of each other. It should not happen that for one party the divorce is damaging and for other it is beneficial after the child birth. In this situation as well the rights of mother and child for two years of suckling period would be given. If someone desires either with divorce or without divorce wants the child to be suckled by someone else, it is permitted but the rights of nurse should be given even to her unless she is willing to do without compensation. At the end of verse the order is to adapt Taqwa. First a family issue is presented which is there in every family and are undertaken but without Taqwa.
The first important thing related to Taqwa presented in this verse is that mother should suckle the child for two years and father should deliver the rights and needs of both. It happens specifically in this era to do breastfeeding of milk. The mother who is not having Taqwa does not consider her duty to feed her child with breast milk. The doctors have given a lot of details that if the child remains abandoned from mother milk then what kind of diseases, weaknesses remains in the child throughout life. It is very important to know that mother has got milk in her breasts due to the child and this child has got his provisioning along with birth. Some mothers due to desires, lust do not feed their child on breast milk. Some don’t feed as they think they will become weak; some consider that their physical beauty would be affected. Some women have been told by their mother that if you feed milk then you will look old soon. Such Satanic whispers come from families who have destroyed their own children and want to do it further. This is against the natural system of Allah. When the child is born and milk starts to come then it is enough to understand the need for this milk. Even in animals the milk comes but in excess for some animals so that man can also use it. The way the child is created from the blood of mother only and is fed from the food which mother intakes. The child takes their rights from the body of mother. When the child is inside womb they get food from the blood of mother and then after the child is born, it is from milk. When the blood becomes totally pure it turns into milk. The child is made from blood of mother and from milk the child gets developed. If the child does not get milk from mother, then the child becomes weak psychologically and safety of health is affected.
I have heard this in villages from old people, that any person who is weak in youth age and cannot do hard work in the age where he should do, it is said that he did not take full milk of mother. After marriage wife would taunt husbands those who were not delivering their rights that this person has not fed on the milk of mother. This means when there is weakness in body or abilities are less the elderly people would associate this with breastfeeding of mother. There are severe psychological effects of non-feeding of milk to child.
The nutrition specialties of mother milk has been provided by health professional. In preaching of religion these aspects are not admonished due to which family problems arise. Hence the birth and nurturing of child takes place without protection mechanism. This milk has spiritual effects as well and not just physical. Since the actual food of child is milk and all the various aspects of man gets developed through this milk. If you serve buffalo milk then the child would turn into a calf only. The mother’s milk has all the nutrition required for child and no other milk is equivalent to it. When mother feeds milk to child then the human traits gets transferred through the mother milk. The cells, atoms of body which are made are also carriers of inherited traits. The children in many families are like their mother. Those who do not take mother milk they have some traits in them. They have shame, self-dignity , zeal inside them. This period has been ordained to mother for two years but just on mother alone, the father also has been ordered to take care of all the needs of mother and child. The mother also need good food to produce milk, hence taking care of mother is responsibility of mother. If mother does not feed milk to child, then they are usurping the rights of children. This is a crime and mother has to give accountability for this. One misguidance is to do birth control which is taught from media and then second is to not breast feed the child. They will not feed the child to maintain their beauty so that other na mahram men can take pleasure from their appearance. She will express her motherhood by kissing and courting the child in front of others but at the same time usurping the rights of child.
The Quran has expressed the various stages of the nurturing of child which we will discuss later. May Allah grant us Taufeeq to understand the concepts of religion and to act upon it.
Today we can see the lives in Pakistan insecure from all perspectives which is an evidence that Taqwa is not present on this land and we are living our lives without Taqwa; at the same time non-attentive as well. The lives are being wasted due to natural calamities, human crimes, negligence, deprivation, poverty as the foundation of life is not established on Taqwa. The definition of Taqwa is done in such a manner that it could not become the basis of life.
The most important topic of these days is the flood and the destruction caused by the floods due to which the effects can be seen by everyone on human life. The rains do not turn into calamities it is man that turns it into calamities. It is due to those persons who did not make any arrangement for protection of life from such calamities. If the damage from these floods, rains would not have been done then these rains would have been a big bounty. Those countries where there is abundant rainfall they are considered to be big bounties. More rains means sweet water is in abundance for drinking, irrigation etc. Those lands where there is snow, glaciers are not calamities as these are the means for drinking and irrigation when these glaciers melt throughout the year and come down as water streams. But when there are senseless people present then bounties also turn into wraths.
In this issue some aspects are for instant attentiveness and some are for long-term pondering. The immediate ones is the destruction has been done very high with many lives lost, homes destroyed, animals died and many are injured even thought the actual loss is not calculated. If you see the roads, train tracks, dams which are all destroyed when we count these and the agricultural losses that has taken place are not yet counted. Such kind of losses and many other direct, indirect are not counted because until now the water is not settled yet.
In this situation as usual the Pakistani community and from outside as well people have helped. The People of Pakistan has kept this honor that they do not leave their brothers alone in crisis. Pakistanis are always leader in charity even though that charity is 90% wasted which is a crime of those who waste. Those who give they have this high privilege. The Pakistani nation has big specialty even though not all do it, it is few who do it because there are many who are miser and those who usurp the charities are more than those who give. But those who give do it so much whereby it looks like everyone is giving.
I can give an example of Jamea which has become a mystery and astonishment for everyone and specifically the Shias of Pakistan on how this center was made. When mosques, centers are made people move around across the country to make something. But here there are no charity , donation boxes but instead with dignity and in a miraculous time all this happened. This was not done by everyone but only three believers started and later many other joined. Even if few persons of nation take a step, it becomes a honor for the entire nation. Those who are enhancing the respect of the nation, religion, community their dignities are raised high by Allah. Those who take these steps for the sake of Allah , he is considered very high in the cosmic world. There are not everyone who is giving, but some give but this gives a big benefit.
In this flood as well the nation is helping in big way. The outside countries have also given aids which are satisfactory. There are deceivers as well who have deceived the community that they are giving a lot of service. The Political parties are trying to fool the people. They have not helped the flood victims but continued with their political gatherings and when they were defamed, they came forward where they announced 5 billion Rupees have been collected but the bank has announced that there is only 500,000 rupees in that account. These politicians come to polish their parties, personalities, organization on these corpses. This category is there and will remain. One category is one who needs help and there are some who have multiple homes in cities and their one home got destroyed in village due to floods. So not all are needy. Then there are some beggars who have this job to beg in such situations. These beggars reach the flood areas from cities. They attack the aid trucks and loot the goods. They do not allow the aid vehicles to reach the needy. Those who were needy had got aids and their needs are fulfilled should tell when aid supplies come that they have got and give to others but they hoard these aids. Since there is no system or data and aid is not done in organized manner, many needy are getting aids from multiple sources.
One more issue is that there are various levels of help. At present the first aid is required. And this aid is required to those who have nothing available for their support. At government level the aids are coming in abundance. The ninety percent of aids which government gets does not reach the needy. The government officials eat it. In Sindh a news came that government has announced 25,000 per family but they gave 23,000 on with receipt of 25,000 was signed. This has happened in past as well that the aid did not reach the needy.
At present we have to see that the floods have not caused this damage, but instead this has been done by politicians, rulers, feudal lords and they are criminals. In every country for fighting crisis there are entities which are not present in Pakistan. The arrangements are done in advance for combating calamities. What I have seen with my eyes in Iran, where earthquakes come very often. They have a beautiful system they have made. Every town has outside big depots of food, medicines, helicopters and the teams are doing drills throughout the year. Like outside Tehran there are big depots so that help can reach immediately. Here there is no budget and whatever is there is also eaten up.
Why these floods are not awakening these victims? The cause for your calamities are your rulers who have not made any arrangement for maintain these flood streams, for directing the flood streams. They just give lectures and deceive people, from where are they coming ? These criminals are coming from your votes and you are part of this crime. These floods are a human crime and not a natural calamities. The hotels, buildings which fell down in SWAT. The flood did not come inside towns. Who ordered to make these hotel on the river banks? First all this sweet water went into sea by destroying our lives. To not preserve this water is a crime. The flood should ideally be directed into a dam and not come inside city. No government has done any arrangement. These people are criminals whom the people have given them opportunity to do these crimes. Can the flood not awaken you to not allow your destiny in the hands of these criminals?
We have very limited resources in Jamea but we never planned our activities based on means. We have looked at our abilities and planned in accordance with that and Allah gave us success. This should be done at national level. I am guaranteeing you that no government elected by people will do anything other than oppression on people. The people have to do arrangements across the nation easily. We can manage these crisis without government. Abdul Sattar Eidhi, an old person made a charity organization to get homeless people and see how many people helped them, they got ambulances, helicopters. If one old person can do this then why can’t others. We should not wait for corpses to fall instead should prevent floods. The means come from Allah. Today all arrangements are made for the victims of flood. The main problem is in the rulership that is management and human resources. We have abilities in Pakistan and no need to take help from outside only if we have management. We don’t have capable persons to manage all this. We can establish at national level such organizations who can be trained and resources depots can be made throughout the year. We have at least 100 million youths which is a force to manage crisis. They can be trained on how to manage floods, earthquakes. They can make streams, canals to direct flood waters and all these can be done by us. We have mobiles and throughout the day we keep on listening to the statements of rowdy politicians. The community keeps on passing clips of these rowdies. It is easy to get rid of them by just not voting for them.
If human resources are present we can do this. I am saying all this on the basis of divine help where we have certain faith which we have witnessed with out eyes. If this management can be done, then all the means come. If Edhi can get then others can also get. It needs a big courage and this can be done. May Allah grant us Taufeeq and accept our deeds.

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