College ban on hijab raises protests in India

Hundreds of Muslim protesters rallied in the city of Chittoor on Saturday to decry a college ban on hijab in the southern Indian state of Karnataka.

Faraan: Organized by Chittoor’s mosque committees, the demonstrators marched through the city in Andhra Pradesh state, walking from Sheshapeeran Mosque to the central Gandhi Statue.

Many of the women taking part were dressed in burkas and hijabs and carried banners and placards reading “Hijab is our right”. A local Imam, Mohammed Mufti Ferdoz, said he saluted the women fighting the ban in Karnataka by refusing to go to university.

He called on Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi to respect the Indian constitution and allow Muslims to wear the Hijab and allow them to study. The ban on the hijab in colleges in Karnataka has sparked anger among Muslims in India and around the world amid growing concerns over alleged Hindu supremacist attacks on Muslim symbols and practices in India that they consider are either sanctioned or ignored by the state.

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