Common Jewish – American Historical Backgrounds

Faraan Zionist Research Base; Judaism and Christianity have much in common historically. The Puritan [1] sect very romantically linked the fate of the Jews and the Anglo-Saxons in the United States.

And in a way, they considered themselves like the Jews: “the chosen people.” Thus, in the early stages of the American Revolution, Puritan religious leaders stated: “We the Americans are a special and chosen people; “We are the Israel of our time.”

Because of this, people like Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin suggested that they portray the dangerous and historical experiences of the Jews under the Pharaohs, such as crossing the Red Sea, as the first Great Seal of the United States. [2] As a result of this situation, the connection between Judaism and Christianity was established in the United States, and Jews gained acceptance in society through religion.

Four former US presidents, Theodore Roosevelt, Woodrow Wilson, Franklin Roosevelt and Harry S. Truman, played a historic role in the establishment of Zionism.

However, all the US presidents since John Adams, paid special attention to Jews and the Holy Lands; But in fact, Wilson introduced the issue of Jews and rescuing them from homelessness, into the American politics. Franklin Roosevelt first suggested a “Palestine without Arabs,” and Harry Truman was the midwife of Israeli state. [3]

Organization; The secret of Jewish success
In order to dominate US decision-making bodies and expand their sphere of influence and authority, the Jews, using their facilities and capabilities, as well as their religious and ethnic affiliations, were able to establish a wide variety of Jewish organizations and associations, and each of the Jews became a member of at least one of them.

The approach of American Jews to the formation of Jewish organizations and communities in the nineteenth century led them to demonstrate their influence and power for the first time in a collective action in 1850, and to express their opposition to the American government. Since then, organized Jewish protests began against anything that have been conflicted with the interests and interests of the Jewish people inside or outside the United States.

Today, New York is the center of Jewish institutions and organizations. [4] Undoubtedly, one of the most important factors in the dominance of American Jews over the American giant is the existence of cohesive and extensive organizations and organized links and detailed and complex as well as the long-term programs of this minority group.

1. Puritans: The Puritans were members of a religious reform movement known as Puritanism that arose within the Church of England in the late 16th century. They believed the Church of England was too similar to the Roman Catholic Church and should eliminate ceremonies and practices not rooted in the Bible.
2. Zanjani, Dariush Akhavan, “Israel in the American Mind” [Persian book: اسرائیل در ذهن آمریکا], Middle East Quarterly, Year 5, Issue 1, Spring 1998, p.222.
3. Ibid., P. 223.
4. The reason why the Jews have concentrated their political and economic activities in New York is that it is not a typical city of the United States and even of the whole world. The international political and financial institutions, the largest international banks and organizations, and the world’s largest economic activities are located in this city.
The Souce:
Jafari Movahed, Hossein, The Hidden Rulers, [Persian book: فرمانروایان پنهان], Chapter 2, pp. 41-54.

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