Crisis of silence on Gaza is due to Khabas (impurities) in society: Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq
Lahore – Pakistan

Friday Sermon – 16th August 2024

Sermon 1: Meaning of Tayyab and Khabas to understand its social impact
Sermon 2: Crisis of silence on Gaza is due to Khabas (impurities) in society
The first responsibility of scholars was to make man recognize the expanse and vastness of life, and second responsibilty of scholars and Mujtahid was to establish laws in accordance to the vastness of life, then the third responsibility was to provide the protection mechanism that is Taqwa for this life and after this the fourth responsibility was to implement Taqwa in society through Imamat.
We can say that the rulers, followers kept the scholars to do these three important things of establishing limits, guidance and protection.
One of the responsibility of scholars in this context is to establish Hayat e Tayyaba and then acquire Taqwa in Hayat e Tayyab (Pure Life).
In Surah Nahl, Allah has expressed on face of personality
مَنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحًا مِنْ ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنْثَىٰ وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَلَنُحْيِيَنَّهُ حَيَاةً طَيِّبَةً ۖ وَلَنَجْزِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْرَهُمْ بِأَحْسَنِ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ {97}
Whoever does good whether male or female and he is a believer, We will most certainly make him live a happy life, and We will most certainly give them their reward for the best of what they did.
قُلْ لَا يَسْتَوِي الْخَبِيثُ وَالطَّيِّبُ وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَكَ كَثْرَةُ الْخَبِيثِ ۚ فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ يَا أُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ {100}
Say: The bad and the good are not equal, though the abundance of the bad may please you; so be careful of (your duty to) Allah, O men of understanding, that you may be successful
The threat on Hayat e Tayyaba present from which we have to protect it is expressed in verse no 100 as listed above. The verse says that Khabees and Tayyab are not equal even if you see Khabees being present is more. Here you have to acquire Taqwa whereby not allow impurities to become part of your pure life.
These comparisons and equalization are present in our lives which Quran has prohibited and consider it as crime. There are certain equalities which Quran is ordering us which we have prohibited. One such equalization is of Pure and Impure which destroys the society. When Quran is saying that pure and impure are not equal, this itself means this is happening hence the prohibition order has come.
There are many questions raised by Quran and we have to assess if we are party to these questions. Like Quran questions the prophet in Surah Nisa, that have you not seen such people who claim to be believers but when the time comes for rulership they appoint Taghoot through votes. So this question is applicable to us in Pakistan. Hence in the verse of Surah Maida as well our society is one where Tayyab and Khabees are equated. In religion as well we have equalized pure and impure. The Quran is ordering we have to separate them and if we don’t then Allah will do this separation. If you want a pure society then you have to remove impurities from it. You have to bring down this wall in democracy where both pure and impure are voters. Pure and Impure in our society carry equal rights as per our laws and even in religion we have done this, and it is because our religion is distanced from the religion of Quran. Ahlulbayt (a) are too sensitive on this and they never accept Khabees because the law is that pure will also become impure if mixed or equated. You are followers of Ali (a) but even if he says to smash your own father, brother, mother on wall if they are impure then you will not accept. Imam Ali (a) when became Caliph he started the separation of pure and impure, but he had to compromise his governance and eventually his life for this cause.
Religion does not allow any authority and role to impure (Khabees) in society. Imam Ali’s (a) religion is very strict hence people like him but they don’t like his systems. Since Quran says pure and impure are not same, which means if anyone brings them together then he is against Quran and Ahlulbayt (a).
We have to understand the meanings of these words as Quran also is asking the Prophet (s) to tell people that Khabees and Tayyab are not same.
Khabees in Arabic was commonly used by Arabs. It meant dirt, filth which comes on certain specific things. The dirt that comes as a layer on something is not Khabs. It is that dirt , filth which enters into something becoming a part of it disturbing , reducing or impact of that thing, which also means reducing the value, worth of that thing. Khabs was used by Arab for things which were highly expensive like gold and silver which was used for Dirhams and Dinar. The dirt that comes as layer on something can be removed by washing hence that is not Khabs. The dirt that becomes part of gold was termed as Khabs. This dirt comes out of gold not by washing but by melting it. When gold is melted the impurity, dirt comes out as molten foam and gets separated. This Khabs present inside gold reduces its effect and thus it’s value. If we see gold in physics it is used in many industries as metal specifically in electronic devices in industrial form and it is in pure form. In social use like ornaments impure gold can be used and Allah did not create gold for ornaments. The gold is meant for industrial use as it has high effectiveness. Another example are motors whose coil is made of copper as that is highly conducive for electric. If this copper is not impure the motor does not function properly. When impurity enters inside Gold it looses its effectiveness and this was termed as Khabs. Then the same word got applied for other things in which impurities gets inside its essence and becomes adulterated. There is adulteration in everything like milk when it is mixed with water or something else it looses its effectiveness and this is Khabs.
Tayyab means the thing remains in its original pure form where there is no impurity that has entered inside and due to which it has lost its effectiveness. One attribute of Khabees is that it looses its effectiveness. Tayyab means the effectiveness is not lost. Quran has used Khabees and Tayyab for human being’s life, essence, personality, intentions, actions, words and its sign is that now he becomes non-effective and won’t give results. Tayyab means free from filth and its effectiveness comes out. These members of filth reduces the effectiveness of thing. And these impurities are not always done intentionally because at times these filths enter unintentionally. Like milkman mixes water in milk with intention but a bread maker uses sweaty dirty hands to make bread. We should become attentive on how these filths entire our lives which are making our lives ineffective.
In current era the lives without Taqwa has taken away humanity of man. The proof is the oppression on Gaza and Palestine. One community is doing oppression and big community is silent without showing any oppression and foremost in these are Muslims. Last week on Saturday Israel attacked a school and in few seconds hundred worshippers in state of prayers were martyred over there. This news went across the world and just crocodile tears were shed. The Palestinians are continuously getting martyred and everyone is silent. Bin Salman has told America that i have threat to my life and America should guarantee that I wont be killed like Anwar Saadat because i am supporting and have accepted Israel.
What Israel is doing is expected from them but why this name sake Muslim world has become disgraced like this? Why this state comes over Muslims? When we analyze we will find the reasons as well on why at that time of Imam Hussain (a) all the people , companions did not stand with him? Imam Hussain (a) complained about Khazileen who could support but remained silent. We should look inside ourselves and see that we curse the oppressors but remain in friendship with Khazileen. The fundamental points are being expressed by Quran which we discussed in the first sermon. The biggest crisis of this era is silence on Gaza but we don’t consider this as crisis because we are also part of it. Every category is silence and we consider these people as sacred , who are these elderly scholars, judges, politicians, leaders whom we respect. This religion has been presented by Banu Umayyah. The reason is Khabs , Khabasat which Quran has presented which has entered inside Muslim world and adulterated it. Our temperament ,behavior, lifestyle all has got adulterated with Khabs. Such crisis takes place due to Khabasat entering inside whereby society becomes unconcerned. The impurity has entered so much inside that if anyone raises voice for Palestine they are also badly treated. Senator Mushtaq from Jamat-e-Islami along with his wife started a protest in Islamabad and these merciless people ran a car over that protest. They had to end the protest and they were few people sitting everyday and they ran over a car killing a children. Similarly why others are silent. The biggest crisis is not gas, electricity but instead lowliness which has become part of this Khabs. The people sitting above are more Khabees.
Don’t we have any responsibility towards these hundred worshippers martyred within moments? Our rulers, politicians, government have no duties? Do you as people think that these people in government will have mercy on inflation, electricity bills of yours, when they don’t have any pain for shredded bodies of children in Palestine? Man gets adulterated when purities end and impurities end. This is the reason why this crisis is there today. Why Bin Salman is saying that i will be killed? This is because he has killed the children of Palestine and now he is afraid that he will be murdered like Anwar Saadat because he was also supporter of Israel. Now he is seeking help from America. And those who are under Bin Salman want power through him. May that ruler be cursed by Allah in our country who wants to acquire and retain power through Bin Salman at the cost of remaining silent on the atrocities being done on Palestinians. We should not become part of these divine curses. We have to raise our voice and not become Khabees loosing our effectiveness. We have to remove this dirt and purify ourselves. If the people are not effective and then scholars should rise, why they are silent? They jump into sectarianism and political affairs but on Palestine they remain silent. This is the ultimate Khabasat that has captivated the world today. We seek refuge from Allah from this Khabas whcih adulterates human beings thus making them insensitive. May Allah purify us and give us relief from these rulers who have become divine wrath for us.

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