Envoy warns that US is pursuing disruptive policies against Syria

Syria’s permanent representative to the United Nations says Washington is adamantly pursuing a hostile approach and subversive policies against the Syrian government and people through its allied Takfiri terrorist groups, economic sanctions, and other repressive measures.

Faraan: The Syrian people have vehemently withstood the bloody foreign-sponsored militancy and will not allow anyone to impose their conditions or will on their country, Bassam Sabbagh said.

The Syrian ambassador stressed that Washington has insisted on its aggressive and subversive policies towards Damascus for the past 11 years. He dismissed the latest remarks by US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield, stating that her statements are nothing but a repetition of what American officials have been uttering ever since the Syrian conflict broke out.

“The remarks are obviously detached from reality, give an inaccurate description of unfolding events, and contain erroneous information with the intent to mislead the world public opinion,” Sabbagh pointed out. In a statement last week on the 11th Anniversary of the Syrian conflict, Thomas-Greenfield called for a “nationwide ceasefire” and a “political solution” in accordance with UN Security Council Resolution 2254, while accusing the Damascus government of “war crimes and crimes against humanity.”

“The United States remains particularly concerned about the plight of the tens of thousands of arbitrarily detained and missing persons in Syria, and the fact that the Assad regime continues to harass, forcibly conscript, detain, torture, and kill Syrian civilians,” she claimed. Sabbagh noted that Thomas-Greenfield’s expression of concern about the humanitarian situation in Syria flatly contradicts her country’s imposition of illegal sanctions on the Syrian people.

“It is hypocritical of the US ambassador to voice worries about the plight of Syrians. The remarks were made irrespective of the fact that Washington is itself sponsoring separatists and terrorists wreaking havoc in Syria’s Jazira Region, and continues to plunder the country’s national resources,” the Syrian diplomat said.

Sabbagh also said the US ambassador was merely pretending that Washington sought a political settlement to the Syrian crisis, saying that keeping up such a pretense is aimed at misleading the world public opinion, prolonging the Syrian crisis, and preventing any effective solution.

“The US-crafted initiatives for the Syrian conflict blatantly disregard the wills of Syrian people and their national choices, and are meant to impose political and military frameworks that would serve Washington’s interests and follow its instructions,” he said. Syria has been gripped by foreign-backed militancy since March 2011. The Syrian government says the United States, the Israeli regime, and their Western and regional allies are aiding Takfiri terrorist groups that are spreading insecurity in the country.

The US military has stationed forces and equipment in eastern and northeastern Syria, with the Pentagon claiming that the deployment is aimed at preventing the oilfields in the area from falling into the hands of Daesh terrorists. Damascus, however, says the unlawful deployment is meant to plunder the country’s resources. Former US president Donald Trump admitted on several occasions that American forces were in Syria for its oil. After failing to oust the Syrian government with the help of its proxies and direct involvement in the conflict, the US government has now stepped up its economic war on the Arab country.

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