Gaza is an examination for separation of believers from Khazileen: Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq
Lahore – Pakistan

Friday Sermon –30th August 2024

Sermon 1: First step of social revolution is separation of impure ones from believers
Sermon 2: Gaza is an examination for separation of believers from Khazileen
Man achieves his life’s purpose through Hayat-e-Tayyaba (pure life). If he leads his life according to divine systems, the result is a pure life; otherwise, he will experience Hayat-e-Khabeesa (impure life). There are two outcomes for these two modes of existence, which Allah (s) has explained to humanity, along with practical methods to purify one’s life from impurities. The provisions provided by Allah that lead to a pure life are referred to as Tayyabat, while impure means are also available. If a person opts for these impure methods, the result will be an impure life.
As explained before Khabs are those filth which becomes part of man’s existence individually, socially thus making the society useless or ineffective with either no outcome or scanty results. This is termed as “Balad-e-Khabees” by Quran as those lands, society which hardly any gives any results irrespective of whatever education and upbringing you do. The pure lands, society are those which gives excellent results from education and fostering.

In Arab culture, lands are classified into three categories: Balad-e-Mayyat (barren land), Balad-e-Tayyab (fertile land), and Balad-e-Khabs (infertile land). The Quran uses these terms to describe human society. We must now evaluate our society and nation according to these Quranic criteria. If there is no progress, no productive outcomes, and efforts seem wasted, then this can be considered as Balad-e-Khabees.
Allah (s.w.t) says unless Khabs is not removed from a land , society you cannot make that land fertile or establish a divine society. The law for removing Khabs from society is presented in Surah Ale Imran verse 179 on how to make dead, useless societies reach pure life.

مَا كَانَ اللَّهُ لِيَذَرَ الْمُؤْمِنِينَ عَلَىٰ مَا أَنْتُمْ عَلَيْهِ حَتَّىٰ يَمِيزَ الْخَبِيثَ مِنَ الطَّيِّبِ ۗ وَمَا كَانَ اللَّهُ لِيُطْلِعَكُمْ عَلَى الْغَيْبِ وَلَٰكِنَّ اللَّهَ يَجْتَبِي مِنْ رُسُلِهِ مَنْ يَشَاءُ ۖ فَآمِنُوا بِاللَّهِ وَرُسُلِهِ ۚ وَإِنْ تُؤْمِنُوا وَتَتَّقُوا فَلَكُمْ أَجْرٌ عَظِيمٌ {179}
On no account will Allah leave the believers in the condition which you are in until He separates the evil from the good; nor is Allah going to make you acquainted with the unseen, but Allah chooses of His messengers whom He pleases; therefore believe in Allah and His messengers; and if you believe and guard (against evil), then you shall have a great reward.
A country without systems or education cannot thrive effectively. The verse highlights the need for people to break free from their negative conditions, signifying a revolution. If current and future generations maintain the status quo, it’s not revolutionary. True revolution, as per the Quran, requires societal change.
The verse indicates that Allah will not leave believers in their current state. It explains that Allah will separate the impure (Khabees) from the pure (Tayyab), as both are mixed in society. Though we may see them as equal, Allah distinguishes between them.
Allah dislikes societies that mix the pure with the impure. The term “Tameez” means to separate impurities, thus distinguishing good from bad people. It is a fundamental element of religious guidance. With “Tameez,” you can distinguish corrupt individuals from virtuous ones, but some people invert this, declaring the corrupt as good and vice versa. Just as you can differentiate poorly cooked food from well-cooked, “Tameez” applies in various instances. Generally, we use “Tameez” for personal interests but often neglect it in responsibilities, failing at our duties. “Tameez” indicates whether people have discernment, both individually and socially. Allah institutes “Tameez” as a key aspect of guidance, and one role of Prophets and Imams is to practice “Tameez,” especially when good and bad are intertwined.
In this verse, it is clear that believers will be distinguished and separated from evil. Hypocrites and foolish individuals will not be separated or changed. The verse indicates that Allah will continue to change the state of believers until the evil are separated from the good. Additionally, Allah will not reveal unseen knowledge (Ghaib) to believers, as faith in the unseen is important, but possession of knowledge is not permitted by Allah.
When this verse was revealed in Medina, everyone was seen as believers. Allah says they need to be distinguished but won’t reveal this through the unseen; He won’t send a list identifying believers and hypocrites. Human society must be built by people, not unseen forces. The unseen can’t be the foundation for ordinary humans. Our scholars often use theological arguments to silence opponents, but religion’s real objective is to enlighten and guide people, clearly showing the right path. Religion aims to foster awareness and understanding. Scholars have suggested that personal comprehension is misguidance, urging us to disregard our own experiences in favor of past scholars’ views. You should express what you witness or experience and not assess the views of elders.
We need to understand religion ourselves. Allah has made it comprehensible for everyone, in every generation, until the end of time. Religion is not dependent on Prophets or Infallible Imams to function. For instance, in cases like robbery or murder, the method involves witnesses rather than relying on Prophets or Imams knowing the unseen to identify criminals. Even Prophets must follow the established system to apprehend criminals. The Prophet clarified that he possesses knowledge of the unseen but does not use it for managing such matters. Allah states that distinguishing good from evil requires normal human knowledge, indicating a system should exist for everyone to discern between pure and impure.
Religion is timeless and applies to every generation, with no aspect confined to the era of the Prophet or Imams. We cannot suspend it in their absence, nor use knowledge of the unseen, as Allah has not granted this to anyone. We often neglect the Quran’s facts, using non-Quranic arguments. In verse 179, the Quran states that Allah will continue to distinguish believers from the impure, not through hidden knowledge.
The verse states that Allah has appointed messengers , presenting them the method of discrimination and to teach believers how to distinguish between evil and good through divine policies. Believers are encouraged to trust these messengers, adopt Taqwa, and follow Allah’s guidance for separating evil from good. If this process is not followed, Allah does not regard the society as truly believing.
If the believers desire to live together with Khabees then Allah will not change their condition. The law is if purified things are mixed with impurity then the outcome will be impurity. And in such a society a revolution will not come.
We as well know that Allah does not change the state of anyone unless they change their own state, and the first principle was in this verse whereby impure ones are to be separated from pure ones. In democracy impure and pure need to mixed up; the more impurities are present democracy will be successful.
They say Trump will win elections because he is most impure. In history you can see wherever people get opportunity to select, elect someone they have always selected impure ones. This is where Taqwa is required to protect by not allowing evil, impure people to be mixed up with pure ones. This is where Hayat-e-Tayyaba begins.

The most grievous state of humanity is seen in Muslims who are silent on Gaza or have become part of the atrocities done on Palestinians. This is policy of Islam that if anyone calls a Muslim for help and if you do not reach to help him then he is not a Muslim. This is the statement of Holy Prophet (s).
Similarly Imam Ali (a) says even if a non-Muslim is oppressed on Muslim land then the Muslims should die of shame. Then Imam Hussain (a) says that if anyone in his era witnesses a tyrant and does not rise to stop him from oppression, then Allah has the rights to count this person with tyrant.
Today we can see the children of Gaza, Palestinians who are calling for help to Muslims which can be clearly witnessed on media but you can see how many Muslims have responded. They are not Muslims. This is the most grievous behavior of Muslims. The reason and cause is also expressed by Quran that it is due to Khabasat which we have discussed in first sermon. The impure ones need to be separated from pure believers. Allah will examine the believers through tests, tribulations so that the believers get separated from impure ones. Gaza is the trial of Muslims and will discriminate pure and impure. Allah will not allow the impure ones to be mixed with pure and earn the title of believers. Such trials come repeatedly like it happened in Karbala. In Karbala everyone was mixed and then Imam Hussain (a) did the uprising to discriminate the impure and pure. They got clearly separated.
Today the Khabees have become Mufti’s and they support Khabees. There are two types of Khabees; one are the killers of Imam Hussain (a) and others are Khazil, those who were expected to support Imam but they did not. Today we do not curse the Khazileen and give them sacred titles whereas Imams curse these Khazileen. Today those who are not supporting for whatever arguments they have, because they always possess arguments. The arguments which the killers of Imam Hussain (a) presented has become a complete religion. But Allah will not care for this, he will separate the impure and pure. This encounter of Gaza is the test for separating pure and impure.
The Israeli minister has announced that a Jewish synagogue will be made inside Masjid e Aqsa. The Jews since long wanted to destroy and today their media has announced that in next two weeks the people will attack Masjid e Aqsa, destroy it thus making it a Jewish place of worship.They got courage due to these silent Muslims. In Pakistan as well everyone is silent. The most Khabees is the Arab world because their rulers are most Khabees and people follow the religion of rulers. There are scholars of every sect but you do not listen to any voice from Arabs because they have gone much forward in Khabasat. But Allah will test the believers through examinations and tribulations. Those who want to be accounted amongst Tayyab they have this opportunity to annouce, act and prove that you are not amongst Khabees, so that Allah will fulfill his promise. The believers of Yemen, Lebanon, Iraq and Iran have separated themselves even if they are less but standing with people of Gaza. This war will end and the effects it will be leave is that in this encounter Khabees and Tayyab need to be separated. When you do not act on time to support then later even repentance is not accepted. The Khazil will get punished later. You can see how much disgrace, humiliation the Kufi’s suffered from everyone. This is punishment which Allah gives to them through the hands of tyrants. For Allah they were cursed even if we consider them sacred.
328 days of oppression has passed and the numbers of martyrs are increasing day by day and we are busy in silly things and not delivering our obligations.

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