Hackers attack Israeli hiking websites, leak personal information

A hacker group called Sharp Boys announced that it had hacked two Israeli hiking websites on Saturday, leaking the information of 200 users and offering the information of around three million people for sale

Faraan: The leaked data includes emails, addresses and phone numbers, Jerusalem Post reported.

The two affected sites were Tiyuli and Lametayel. Tiyuli is a website that provides information on hiking, attractions, maps and places to sleep throughout Israel. Lametayel is a chain of hiking and sporting goods stores and its site also provides information on hiking.

Both sites were down as of Saturday night.

A message posted by the hackers read “Hi , lametayel.co.il and tiuli.com are Hacked ! All databases are for sale.” The hackers added that they had 500 GB of data to sell including the emails, passwords and phone numbers of about three million users.

The Sharp Boys did not make or reference any demands for ransom. It is unclear if the attack was nationalistically motivated.

Lametayel told KAN news that it had identified “suspicious activity” on its sites on Saturday afternoon and took down all its sites and blocked access to them, adding that the issue was being checked.

The attack is the latest cyber attack to affect Israeli companies.

Last week, cybersecurity provider Check Point claimed that the Iranian hacking group “Charming Kitten” or APT 35 had attempted to hack seven targets in Israel using an exploit in the open-source software logging system known as Log4j. The attempted attacks were blocked.

In October, a number of Israeli websites were hacked by the Black Shadow hacker group, with the group leaking the personal information of hundreds of thousands of users.

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