Hamas: As long as America supports Israel, UN resolutions are ink on paper

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), in response to the UN General Assembly’s resolution regarding the occupation of the Zionist regime, said that as long as America acts as a partner of the occupation, UN resolutions will be ink on paper.

Faraan: The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) reacted today (Saturday) in a statement to the approval of the UN General Assembly resolution regarding the occupation of the Zionist regime.

After repeated requests and pressure from the Palestinian Authority, the United Nations General Assembly, today (Saturday), approved a resolution that asks the Hague Court to issue a verdict on the occupation of the Zionist regime. According to the report of “Al Jazeera” network, Hamas announced in response to this resolution: “The UN resolution joins a long chain of international resolutions that did not turn into a pressing practical step against the occupiers.”

The Palestinian Islamic Resistance Movement added: “As long as America acts as a partner of the occupiers and provides cover for them, the resolutions will be ink on paper.” Hamas also emphasized: “The [Palestinian Authority’s] diplomatic [level] decisions are due to their inability to confront the occupiers and the weakness of their own system.”

Today (Saturday), the General Assembly of the United Nations approved a plan that asks the International Court of Justice (The Hague Court) about the legal consequences of the violation of the right to self-determination of the Palestinian nation, the long-term occupation, settlement constructions and the actions of the Zionist regime to change the collective situation in Occupied Jerusalem to vote. This resolution was approved with 87 votes in favor, 26 votes against and 53 abstentions. America, Canada, Italy, Australia, Austria, Hungary, Czech Republic, Guatemala, Estonia and Germany were among the most important countries that opposed the approval of this plan.

The approval of this resolution was based on the recommendations of the Fourth Committee of the United Nations General Assembly, which approved a similar resolution last month with the support of 98 countries, the opposition of 17 countries, and the abstention of 52 countries. Committee decisions remain recommendations until the UN General Assembly formally approves them through resolutions or by unanimous vote.

One of the most important provisions of this resolution is to request the International Court of Justice to issue a judgment or legal opinion in two cases:

  1. The legal consequences of the continuous violation of the Palestinian people’s right to self-determination by the Zionist regime.
  2. Long-term occupation, settlement and annexation of occupied Palestinian lands since 1967.

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