Hamas has started a never ending war which is only end when Israel gets eradicated: Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq
Lahore – Pakistan

Friday Sermon – 7th June, 2024

Sermon 1: Mother of all Taqwa is divine political system, replacing Wilayat with other systems is mockery
Sermon 2: Hamas has started a never ending war which is only end when Israel gets eradicated
One life of human being is political which is also part of social life of man which constitutes the major part of human life. Individual life of man is like fetus that gets nurtured inside the body of mother that is equivalent to society. If mother is alive then only child will remain alive. The personality would be what society develops like the way mother is child will also be like that only. If the society is corrupt then individuals will also be corrupt. This is not a law that in a sick society healthy individuals would get nurtured.
The same law applies in protection of life as well whereby individual life is in the lap of social life , hence if society is secured then individual will also get protected. Society which is a big domain is not part of religion and in our nation even in sciences sociology is not given importance. We have abandoned social pathology, diagnosis and treatment of social issues. Everyone has focused on their individual lives.
The political dimension of society is one of the fundamentals as compared to certain social aspects which are secondary. In our minds all religious and Quranic concepts are distorted because we only go by the trending meanings. If we ask someone what is politics, it means get something done through lies, deception, hypocrisy or using any tool or tactic to achieve your purpose. This is the distorted meaning. Politics means to plan, manage, organize social affairs; providing means to society, protecting resources, allocating responsibilities. Like if someone has formed a company and running it is politics. A political person is one who manages any social organization. The title used for Imams is “Saastul Abad” means they are managing the Abd of Allah.
The major part of life is social and within that politics is the major element which means the society first needs this. To develop a society, provide all necessary means of economy, education and then controlling corruption in these resources, defending nation and management of other affairs of society is politics. Imam Khomeini (r.a) learned politics from Syed Hassan Modarres who was in Najaf, then came to Iran and started political guidance of people. He was the model for Imam Khomeini (r.a) and Imam (r.a) was impressed with him. Modarres was the one who said first time that our Religion is politics and politics is Religion. In Pakistan religion means worships , individual ethics and nothing to do society which Iqbal says is hermitage. This religion is only about achieving individual spiritualism and has nothing to do with economics, development, politics and anything else in society. Imam Khomeini (r.a) would term this as Tahajjur (stagnant like rock). This is narrow mindedness which has no relationship with society. Religion and his representative that is Wali is responsible to provide education, economic means to society but in Mutahhajjir religion there is no responsibility.
Today everyone in the world is doing it, and this is the reason we like Western societies because their society is organized and politically managed. They have not taken from religion but based on their own study and experience they have developed and organized social affairs. This is actual field and now we should think whether Allah only gave spiritualism to Prophets and handed over politics that is economics, education, defense to Firon. Allah handed management of all affairs of people in the hands of Prophet. The meaning of Imamat has been expressed by all Imams as management of people. Allah has ordained Imams for the management and organization of society. Since you have removed guidance from society then there is no politics and hence without Imam, we all are dreaming to go paradise. What you are doing here would come out in hereafter. The paradise is that life which is spent under divine system.
Quran has presented Taqwa , that is protection specifically for this social field.
Surah Maida, verse 57
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تَتَّخِذُوا الَّذِينَ اتَّخَذُوا دِينَكُمْ هُزُوًا وَلَعِبًا مِنَ الَّذِينَ أُوتُوا الْكِتَابَ مِنْ قَبْلِكُمْ وَالْكُفَّارَ أَوْلِيَاءَ ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ إِنْ كُنْتُمْ مُؤْمِنِينَ {57}
O you who believe! do not take for guardians those who take your religion for a mockery and a joke, from among those who were given the Book before you and the unbelievers; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah if you are believers.
The Taqwa presented here as mother of all protections. If you decide on who should be your Wali (leader, authority) then rest all affairs will ease out. Here the verse says that you should spent your life under Wali and then who else could be Wali’s are presented in this verse other than Allah. It is ensured that you will be spending your life under Wali but just need to see under whose Wilayat, whether of Allah or Firon, Kings, democratic leader or some corrupt. You have to identity this on this world. There is no one in this world who is spending his life outside the Wilayat of Allah.
For Ahle Sunnah their scholars have transformed Wilayat to Khilafat but have not expressed where is Khilafat originated from and its various perspectives in terms of political leadership. Khilafat is a position that is acquired as successor in any work. How Khalifa gets appointed or is made is unclear like all four Caliphs of Muslims were made differently. The first Khalifa was made in a meeting, the second Caliph was nominated by first one, the third Caliph was made by a committee of six persons and the fourth Caliph was made by allegiance of people. Then Imam Hassan (a) was also made with people’s allegiance. After this the Khilafat moved on to Banu Umayyah and it went into inheritance. Those who believe Khilafat is your system, they are not concerned how a Khalifa is made and the point is only to accept it is what taught to them. So, for them it is easy.
For Shias there is a policy under which a Wali gets appointed and this policy is also from Allah and not through democracy. Allah has to make the system of Wilayat and people very easily bypass and corner the religion and systems of Allah. You cannot corner any law of Pakistan easily but Allah’s system can be dumped out easily. Those who do not have Taqwa Quran says in this verse will accept anyone as their Wali and leader. Fisk and Fujoor starts when man corner the system of Allah and makes his own Wali. If you choose such Wali’s, leaders then whatever prayers, worships you do are not making your hereafter. This is the season of Hajj and people are going to do Hajj and Imam of Kaaba has said Gaza is a Fitnah. This Hajj is the best example of no politics in it and there is no worship, spirituality in this. The Prophet (s) has said that a time will come some will do Hajj for trading, some for entertainment, some for getting title of Hajj. This can be witnessed today and Ale Saud has transformed the Hajj the same way as per the desire of Muslims. No Muslim has objection that this Hajj is not Ibrahim, Quranic. The Hajj in which there is no permission to support oppressed of Palestine , to condemn Israel and America. Hajj means disassociation from Taghoot, and if this has been stopped in Hajj then this is just entertainment and nothing else. Imam (a) has pointed to Shibli and said that there is no Haji’s but just people out for fun and making noise. This is because Banu Umayyah was getting the Hajj done. If the Hajj was Ibrahim, then the Haji’s would have announced their disassociation from Banu Umayyah first. Imam Hussian (a) removed his Ihram on the day of Hajj to show that this is not divine Hajj.
The fundamental guidance of religion is social and political. It is through Wilayat is that management of society, leadership and governance should take place. Shias in every country should answer under whose system are you spending life? Who are your Awliya? Do not make them guardians who have disregarded your religion. Whose systems you have accepted right now at this moment?
When the mention of Ahle Kitab comes we point towards Jews and Christians, keeping Muslims out which is not correct. We have to clarify the specifics of Ahle Kitab and infidels that they should not accepted as guardians because they have made religion as mockery. Even if a Muslim does this then also, they cannot be accepted as guardian. The biggest mockery is to displace the system of Allah and replace them with guardians made by votes of people. The biggest corruption (Fasaad) is to corner Imamat, Imams and like Imam Zainul Abideen whom even Shias cornered. The Kufi’s ignored him and made their own governance. You are the challenging what Allah has ordained, then despite of being democratic you say we are Muslims. You stand with adulterers, alcoholics and then say we are Muslim. If you are believers then acquire Taqwa which is the mother protection system that will protect everything else of yours.
Today humanity has ended because the religion and every system, dealings of life are not on the basis of Taqwa instead on desires, power, lusts etc. To oppress or be spectators of oppression is life of hell. The Muslims states is more grievous because if they would have adapted Taqwa even to some extent they would not have seen these days specifically in Gaza and Palestine.
Allah says to acquire Taqwa in political life whereby do not make other Wali (guardians) and is mentioned in various verses. And surprisingly Muslims have specifically selected those only as leaders whom religion has prohibited. The Prophet (s) said do not allow governance in the hands of Banu Umayyah, similarly He (s) mentioned to not oppress his progeny and Muslims violated all these in worse manner. The Muslims have selected such leaders through whom the Muslims are witnessing these days. The abandoned category of Quran has become our guardians in politics, religion, community and all other segments. They have made us so lowly and today we are in this situation due to this.
It is eight months today and oppression is going on which everyone is watching live due to media. Some is being done by Israel, others and every scene is being witnessed by everyone. The severity of oppression on Rafah was such that even Netanyahu said it was very bad mistake. The Satan America who is behind all this Fitnah who is the illegitimate father of Israel has also expressed that the oppression has crossed limits and should stop. Biden is saying this for his election campaign because Trump says if I become President, I will stop Gaza war immediately because American people also want this to stop. Now they are playing with the psychology of people to show that we want to stop this oppression. All are saying but Muslims, Arabs, UAE, Turkey, Pakistan leaders have not said that this oppression has crossed all limits. All the evil traits of Banu Umayah from Muawiya to Marwan excluding Umar ibn Adul Aziz if placed together is found in Erdogan. He has been the supporter of Israel in war. As per his ministry he was part of the war till 27th March 2024 and at the same time he gives statements to Muslim nations to stop the war. The conscience of Muslim rulers is worse than oppressors. They can stop this very easily but there is no intention or desire to do this. If Norway accepts Palestine, they appreciate but themselves do not accept.
What the Supreme Leader said on 4th June on the anniversary of Imam Khomeini (r.a) is correct. Israel could do whatever they could do by killing children, women but to achieve other objectives of Israel could not be achieved even by 1%. They could not finish Hamas; they could not get their hostages relieved. Hamas attacked Tel Aviv last week and arrested more Israeli soldiers in tunnels. The leader said that the end of Israel has started and he says Israel will get destroyed by the weakest of people. The Palestinians have demonstrated a miracle with their resistance and only they could not do was to protect the lives of their people because they did not had war machinery.
Leader said that I will talk about what American and Europe big personalities have said that Israel is about end and no one can save it. When they are themselves saying and believe that Israel would end then why can’t Muslims take part in this. I am expressing this with sincerity that if you do not disassociate with Taghoot and raise your voice for Palestine then this is not Hajj. If this is Hajj and you cannot do yourselves, then Iranian Hajis do this on 9th Zilhajj in Arafah. We did this when we went on Hajj and announced our disassociation in our tents. Even if someone stops you then also you should do it. The best day for disassociation for Muslims is the day of Eid and all Muslims should start this from Eid and continue till the oppression on women and children ends. You can continue to fight with Hamas. American newspaper said that Hamas has started a never-ending war with Israel , and will not end Israel gets eradicated. Allah will destroy Israel through the hands of these oppressed only.

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