Harassment of Shia’s in Pakistan for supporting Palestine: Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq
Lahore – Pakistan

Friday Sermon – 9th August 2024

Sermon 1: Tayyab and Khabees cannot be equated in society
Sermon 2: Harassment of Shia’s in Pakistan for supporting Palestine
Allah has made the design of human creation, guidance, and protection following each other, whereby guidance is as per creation and protection is also in accordance with guidance. Human being’s uniqueness is the intention and will power given to him as compared to other creation.
The man who is best in terms of creation has various forms and faces in guidance because here man has his own will power which can turn him from best creation to worse. The first fostering of child takes place in the womb of mother, then he gets out in this world entering a new womb which is society. The society does the same work which womb of mother does. The way a drop of semen enters womb of mother, and his body is developed similarly the personality of human being gets developed in society. The way children with different faces are given birth by mother similarly when man comes in society there are various faces of personality made. And this personality is made by man himself with his own will.
In Surah Nahl, Allah has expressed on face of personality
مَنْ عَمِلَ صَالِحًا مِنْ ذَكَرٍ أَوْ أُنْثَىٰ وَهُوَ مُؤْمِنٌ فَلَنُحْيِيَنَّهُ حَيَاةً طَيِّبَةً ۖ وَلَنَجْزِيَنَّهُمْ أَجْرَهُمْ بِأَحْسَنِ مَا كَانُوا يَعْمَلُونَ {97}
Whoever does good whether male or female and he is a believer, We will most certainly make him live a happy life, and We will most certainly give them their reward for the best of what they did.
If a man or woman who is believer and does Amale Saaleh, we will grant then Pure life (Hayat e Tayyaba) and then we will grant them best rewards for what they have done. We have to make this pure life ourselves.
In verse 100 of Surah Maida, Allah refers to pure life and we referred last time verse 88 about food should be Tayyab.
قُلْ لَا يَسْتَوِي الْخَبِيثُ وَالطَّيِّبُ وَلَوْ أَعْجَبَكَ كَثْرَةُ الْخَبِيثِ ۚ فَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ يَا أُولِي الْأَلْبَابِ لَعَلَّكُمْ تُفْلِحُونَ {100}
Say: The bad and the good are not equal, though the abundance of the bad may please you; so be careful of (your duty to) Allah, O men of understanding, that you may be successful
As such we all know what is pure and impure or evil, but those who are living life of negligence do not understand. The Prophet (s) is asked to tell such people that pure and evils are not same. And it can happen that you might get impressed by the abundance of evil then also inform them and acquire Taqwa that is a protection mechanism so that you acquire prosperity (Falah).
In this verse it is clearly indicated that Fitrat might get dominated by filth and man forgets what is good and bad. This itself is a social discussion in Quran about what things Quran has compared and what Quran has not allowed to be compared. Tasawi in Quran means equality which gets developed by people intentionally or unintentionally. Like in a house a good character child and bad character are equal because both are children and mother does not thinks by intellect instead uses emotion. Then we have made all relatives equal and we ignore all differences and only consider that they are relatives. Quran has said certain things are equal and certain equalities made by society are denied by Quran. In this verse Quran is saying that Tayyab and Khabees are not equal. There are many such verses like Quran says whether believers and transgressors (Momin and Faasik) are equal? Democracy in our society is based on this only. Is there any religious person who can say that no Faasik should vote for me? In democracy you have to bring down believer and replace with Faasik. The Quran has denied this social equality. Quran is telling Prophet to end this equality which people have made between pure and impure. The model which Allah has recommended for believers is Hayat e Tayyaba (pure Islam). If a society gets adulterated with pure and impure then the society will not prosper.
There is a law of philosophy whenever you mix pure things with impure then the outcome would be in accordance with what? Pure or impure? The universal principle is that the outcome would be impure. The society also works on same principle whereby if a society is formed using pure and impure beings then this society would not be esteemed by lowly. If you make a system with believers and transgressors together, then the outcome would be dominated by transgressors (Faasik). Even though there are believers the outcome would still be under lowly beings. This is a law which no one can break or deny.
When Quran is asking to eradicate this social equality between good and bad people because the outcome would be bad (Khabees), even if they are in same numbers. The Prophet is ordered to end this equality because by mixing Tayyab and Khabees , Hayat e Tayyaba (Pure life) cannot come into existence and is impossible. Even the Tayyab would not be able to acquire Pure life with this adulteration. We have ignored and acquired the equalities which Quran has rejected. Like Quran says that an Alim (learned being, one who knows) and those who do not know are not equal. Similarly the Quran says that Mujahid (crusaders) and Qaedoon (those who are sitting silently) are not equal, but for us they are equal and instead we give preference to such people over crusaders. These are those destructive equalities which have destroyed the society. We have abandoned all those equalities which Quran has ordered and accepted all those which Quran has denied and then we cannot expect a society to be Quranic. This will continue as Quran further orders to acquire Taqwa. First separate the pure and impure people, then acquire Taqwa and not that you make both good and bad as brothers and counsel them equally. This is not preaching of religion but instead you have destroyed religion. You have taken down the Quranic foundations. The society after the Prophet (s) suffered the same crisis due to which Imam Hussain (a) had to start an uprising. The equalities which Quran has made got destroyed and those which Quran has rejected got implemented. This destroyed the fundamentals of society and the same society is present today. This is where Taqwa is required.
Our culture and education system has taught us that you should not rely on your witnessing but instead believe in what your elders have said. If there is everything else but humanity is not present then there is nothing. The test of humanity today is Gaza. The doctors who have visited Gaza say that there are more than 90,000 people martyred in Gaza and entire world is silent on this. This is the state of human beings without Taqwa. And more lowliness is that man becomes part of killers. Today the world as regards to Gaza is divided into two; either they are supporters of killers and others are Khazil, those who could support but did not. We respect Khazil and curse those who are supporting the oppressed. Last week Ismail Haniya was martyred in Iran and the biggest martyrdom was the security system of Iran. For security reasons they are not revealing on how this was done. It was clear that this was the work of infiltrators and same could have been behind Martyr Raeesi as well. Zionist have infiltrated everywhere but whether they have infiltrated Pakistan or not? Last week the Pakistani parliament passed a resolution against atrocities of Israel but when this was published they removed the word Israel. If you see TV anchors and media they all say that Pakistan should accept Israel. The ex-chairman of FBR who is Shia says that Iran is the most dangerous country and Pakistan should establish relationship with Israel. Certain companies have supplied weapons to Israel during the work.
Recent news is about a Pakistani Asif Merchant arrested in USA because he has travelled there from Iran and gave five thousand US dollars to a hitman for killing some USA politician. Are there such cheap rented killers in USA? Recently a son got his father killed with a ransom of ninety thousand dollars in DHA. So America is such a cheap country where a politician gets killed for five thousand? Pakistan has done the investigation and found that he is a tax filer and has no crime on him. The only crime he has done was that he visited Iran three to four times. They have given this report to America and going to Iran is a crime. After this America has given a list to them. I have been telling this from day one repeatedly to raise voice for Palestine. I have asked to start campaign for flag raising campaign for Palestine but only our youths did. From Pakistan the only voice that has been continuously raised is from Jamea Orwatul Wuthqa. This voices reaches even if it is weak. The outcome is that Pakistan has been given a list of Shia Youths who have raised voice for Palestine to harass, torture and bring them under pressure. America has given a list of those Shias to Pakistan government who are raising voices for Palestine. In Karachi Fateha was done in Nishtar Park for Zia-ul-Haqq and same orator when he was asked to recite Fateha for Shaheed Hussaini, he replied that I don’t do political things, but after few days when Zia ul Haqq dies the same orator recited Fateha for him. They will do Fateha for Zionists and not raise voice for Palestine. This voice will be raised by only those who are connected with Imam Hussain (a).
They have got this instruction now from Zionists to torture those who are raising voice for Palestine. This a proof that your voice has reached where it had to reach. You are in small numbers in Pakistan but this voice has reached. Hamas has said that if Iran, Turkey, Indonesia and Pakistan come out openly then Israel will get destroyed. They said in front of Pakistani officials who visited for funeral of Haniya in Qatar and these Pakistani’s are those who sell the name of Palestine for their own power. But those who are followers of the school of Imam Hussain (a) their voices reach.
Few days some Ahle Sunnah from outside Pakistan came to visit me and asked when no one else is speaking why you are raising so much voice for Palestine? Are you getting compensated from somewhere? I told the youth that you are asking good question and the answer is that we consider Imam Hussain (a) as our Imam and not an asset for trading. We don’t take his name for selling it. The Imam means one whom you have to follow his Sunnah. The Seerah of Imam Hussain (a) is to support the oppressed and confront every Yazid. We are forced to raise this voice at every cost.
The infiltration of Zionists in Paksitan is to the level of government authorities. The government should have questioned USA what evidence you have against this person whom you have arrested, instead the government is harassing youths based on the list they have provided.
This voice will not get suppressed for supproting palestine but instead this will prove that you people are most filthiest, who first destroyed the nation and now you are working for Zionists. For Palestine what our elders are saying we are on the same path, and if time comes we are ready to sacrifice our lives for Aqsa. These acts of yours (government) will stain your face and you are getting medal for being supporter of Zionists. The reply which Hamas has given is the most powerful reply after Ismail Haniyeh. As Allah says when we remove one sign of ours we bring a better one. Ismail Haniyeh was a great personality but the new leader Yahya Sanwar who is much greater, who has led the mission of 7th October and commander of war, who is present within Gaza and not in Qatar. He has rubbed your nose in dirt and he has now become leader. Hamas has selected him as the leader whose name shivers the Zionists. This means the war is entering new phase and the passions of Hamas have got encouragement. These Zionists will get disgraced in Israel as well as in Pakistan.
Few days later is the Independence day of Pakistan and it is the same day of captivity of Palestine. The way Imam Khomeini (r.a) has said the revolution will become successful on the day when Aqsa and Qods will get freedom. Similarly the independence of Pakistan is not completed yet, and it will achieve complete freedom on the day when Palestine and Qods gets freedom and the Zionists present in Pakistan become disgraced. We have to prepare the flags of Palestine and Pakistan together raising them on your homes.

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