Has America sent a new message to Iran?

News: While Iran’s Foreign Minister says that the US sent messages to Iran last week to revive the JCPOA, Ned Price, the spokesperson of the US State Department, denied it.


Faraan: According to Al-Alam reporter, during the past week, America has sent a message to Iran at least 2 times to revive the JCPOA, but the fact that Ned Price denies illustrates that he seems to be aware of Iran’s internal conditions and the hope that America has placed on the continuation of disturbances in Iran. While the Americans know more about the situation in Iran than anyone else and know better than anyone the volume and impact of these disturbances, they are still influenced by the radical groups and factions opposed to Iran in the United States and Europe, and with the aim of domestic use, they try to pursue a dual policy in this regard.

In the shadow of the aforementioned policy, the United States is on the one hand worried about the loss of the JCPOA and the agreement with Iran, and on the other hand, on the eve of mid-term elections in this country, it is afraid that by spreading its messages to Iran in the media, it will affect the possible success of the Democrats in these elections. Based on this, by sending a message to Iran while posing himself as eager to revive the JCPOA, he negates it at the same time and in the form of positions such as the one he makes in the media in the words of his Foreign Ministry spokesperson. Let’s remember that in the story of Carter’s presidency, the Democrats once tasted defeat in the elections due to the delay in responding to Iran’s demands.

It seems that the simultaneous resolution of Iran’s nuclear issue with Yemen’s case is so attractive for Biden and his democratic government in the time remaining until the mid-term elections in the United States that despite sending two messages to the Islamic Republic last week, they will repeat this action in the coming days until the election.  Perhaps the attractiveness of the agreement between Lebanon and Israel, which was brokered by the United States and regarding maritime borders, will add to the amount of greed and insistence of Biden to solve both the “Iran nuclear issue” and the “Yemen” issue.

Additionally, in the conditions that America and Europe claim to condemn the sale of “Iranian drones” to Russia with the aim of using these drones in the war against Ukraine, it is time for the Americans to take a realistic look at Iran’s internal issues and the regional authority of the Islamic Republic and showcase their political decisions.

It seems that in the recent days, especially after the announcement of the official annexation of some regions of Ukraine to Russia, the most important strategy adopted by the United States and Europe has been to evade responsibility for the territorial integrity of Ukraine. It is on the same basis that one day they learn the story of Iranian drones in the war in Ukraine, the next day they deny their messages to Iran to revive the nuclear agreement, and… this is despite the fact that, basically, propaganda of this kind has become completely threadbare and secondly, it does not have the necessary resilience to escape from what the West’s responsibility towards Ukraine has been officially and repeatedly announced in the coming months.

Both America and Europe know better than anyone that using the agency’s technical leverage against Iran is completely useless. They are also well aware of the fact that they are living in an atmosphere that is mostly the result of illusions induced by their own hand-made media. In such a situation and with regard to such facts, it seems that what the Iranian Foreign Minister is introducing “the rush of Americans” to solve the JCPOA issue is not a political bluff or empty claim, but a fact that can be the key to the rusty lock of Biden and the Democrats in next month’s elections.



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