Has the countdown to the complete destruction of the group of hypocrites started?

FARAAN: The Ministry of Interior of Albania announced that the police of that country have conducted a detailed and extensive inspection of the headquarters of the hypocrites group, following the order of the Supreme Court of Combating Terrorism of Albania and due to the terrorist and cyber activities of the members of this group. The previous day, the French police prevented the annual gathering of members of this group in Paris.


Beldi Koji, the Minister of Interior of Albania, while expressing his anger and disgust with the way the residents of the “Ashraf 3” camp treated the police officers of his country, said: “Some residents of this camp tried to prevent the police from entering this camp to perform their legal duties and this action caused a conflict between the two sides and one person was killed and dozens were injured.

Historically, the group of hypocrites (People’s Mujahideen of Iran) is known as the most criminal terrorist organization. The hands of this organization are stained with the blood of about 17 thousand Iranians, from political, secular and religious figures to ordinary citizens. Even women and children have not been spared from the crime of this organization.

This organization was established in 1965 under the pretext of overthrowing the Shah, but it took a long time to reveal its true intentions and goals, and in 1981, shortly after the victory of the Islamic Revolution, it started its criminal armed operations against the Islamic Republic.

After facing the reaction of the authorities of the Islamic Republic and losing its popular base, this group entered the next phase of betrayal and threw itself into the lap of Iran’s sworn enemy, the Saddam regime. Saddam’s government provided this group with a military base, which later became known as Ashraf base. At the beginning of the war imposed by Saddam against Iran (1980-1988), this base became the headquarters of organization, training and military operations of this group.

With the fall of Saddam’s regime in 2003, the story of this group became one of the factors of challenge and conflict between the new government of Iraq and the main supporter of this terrorist group, the United States. At that time, the Iraqi government council ordered the expulsion of the members of this terrorist group from Camp Ashraf and the whole of Iraq, and closed the headquarters of this group and declared all their actions and activities illegal.

Later, with the agreement between Iraq and the United Nations, the members of this group were temporarily transferred to a camp near Baghdad airport, so that they could be sent out of Iraq later. Since 2016, members of this group gradually left Iraq for Albania and settled there with the coordination of the United States and some Arab countries along the Persian Gulf. It should be mentioned that at that time, most of the governments supporting this group did not want to settle them in their territory due to the danger of the presence of these people.

This organization was included in the list of terrorist groups in 1997 during the presidency of Bill Clinton due to the nature of its activities. In 2000, the European Union included them in the list of terrorist groups. But in 2011, the European Court in a ruling removed them from this list. A year later, America took a similar action. At that time, Iran condemned this action of the European Union and the United States.

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