Hezbollah chief: Israeli threats are nonsense

Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah delivered a speech on Monday evening in the festival the resistance group held to finalize the two-month long commemorations of the 40th anniversary of Hezbollah’s establishment.

Faraan: In his speech, Sayyed Nasrallah highlighted the most important and current issues in which he underlined that the most urgent issue is that of oil, gas, and maritime border demarcation.

Lambasting the ‘Israeli’ threats in this regard, the last of which was uttered by Zionist war minister Benny Gantz, as nonsense, the Hezbollah leader underlined that the group’s orientation is crystal-clear in which the Resistance is waiting the unfolding developments in the next few days to build upon. Also, this period marks the anniversary of Lebanon’s Second Liberation, during which the Resistance, supported by the people of the Biqaa and Hermel regions, in addition to the last phase participation of the Lebanese Army, liberated the mountains and outskirts from the Takfiri terrorist groups on the Lebanese-Syrian borders, leading to this huge victory that costed dear sacrifices.

Additionally, Sayyed Nasrallah voiced Hezbollah’s unending support to the Palestinian people and sanctities, stressing that “We will keep this decisive commitment, and the basis of our strategy is betting on the revolution and resistance of the Palestinian people,” urging everybody to support them as well. “The Palestinian cause is part of the religion, culture, and honor of this nation which has no room for abandoning it, nonalignment, or retreating,” His Eminence said as he hailed the Lebanese youths like Charbel Abu Dhaher and Nadia Fawwaz who refused to face ‘Israeli’ opponents during their sports competitions.

With respect to the occasion, Sayyed Nasrallah greeted and thanked the brothers and sisters in all of Hezbollah institutions who, over the past two months, have been working to display the multiple aspects of the history of Hezbollah’s path over the 40 years of open-handedness on the different levels. “When we talk of 40 years, we have to be clear that we don’t exclude the years before 1982 which are deeply and mainly related to all efforts, resistance work, and the frameworks that preceded this year.”

Sayyed Nasrallah seized the opportunity to hail the roles of several scholars who inspired and led this path of resistance namely the great martyr Sayyed Mohammad Baqir al-Sadr, Imam Sayyed Musa al-Sadr, Sayyed Mohammad Hossein Fadlallah, and Sheikh Mohammad Mahdi Shamseddine.” Meanwhile, the Hezbollah leader referred to the main inspiration of that age of the Resistance as Imam Sayyed Ruhollah Mousawi Khomeini who both inspired and guided the party.

When listing the achievements scored by the Resistance, Sayyed Nasrallah said the May 2000 victory ended the ‘Greater Israel’ scheme and defeated the invincible army, adding that among the results of the legendary steadfastness during the July 2006 war was eliminating the ‘New Middle East’ scheme as well as that of the ‘Greater Israel’. “The latest achievement of the steadfastness in the July war is that the Resistance has been present on the line of restoring Lebanon’s rights in its oil and gas,” Sayyed Nasrallah went on to say, advising everybody not to imagine that the propagandas and the noise and lies against the Resistance would weaken its will and determination.

Round-the-clock Development

As he highlighted the importance of preserving the Resistance, its presence, and preparedness, Sayyed Nasrallah underlined that “We are heading to develop our military structure and capabilities to remain updated with the level of the developed weapons and technology.” His Eminence emphasized on the equation of the Army, people, and Resistance, which he said is a constant and beneficial whether mentioned in the ministerial statement of any government or not.

Meanwhile, the Hezbollah chief termed the efforts to liberate the remaining occupied lands as a national responsibility which every Lebanese individual must shoulder. “In the coming phase, it is everybody’s responsibility to cement the equations of deterrence to defend Lebanon and protects its lands, people, sovereignty, resources, and wealth,” Sayyed Nasrallah mentioned when highlighting the importance of founding a military and security environment in which the Resistance can deter the country’s enemy and cement its equations.

His Eminence also referred to the importance of strengthening the ideology and culture of Resistance among the people, which contributes to providing the Resistance and the choice of resistance with a popular and political backing.


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