Hezbollah is Israel’s biggest threat

The “Jerusalem Post” “Israeli” daily feared that “Hezbollah is ‘Israel’s’ greatest threat, with its approximately 150,000 rockets and Radwan special invasion forces.”

Faraan: The “Devorah Unit’s” commander, Maj. O., was who lives in She’ar Yashuv, which is located in the Upper Galilee in the northeastern Hula Valley, about 15 kilometers from Metulla – meaning from the border with Lebanon said that, “over the years, he has experienced many incidents of being under Katyusha rocket fire.”

“I, personally, was never harmed, but there were always Katyushas around. One landed directly across the street from my house, another near my car. I grew up in the shadow of Katyusha rockets. O. described a complex life of always being in the face of massive danger from Hezbollah. Discussing current Hezbollah threats in more detail, he said, “We know they are here, the Radwan commandos, and if there are rockets, there is no time to evacuate to a bomb shelter,” because Metulla is so close to the border.

“Hezbollah is on the fence, so we get ready for everything. It is very real. Any unpredictable hit in the ‘war between the wars’ campaign [with Syria] could lead to a giant Lebanon conflict. One Katyusha rocket hits a kid’s kindergarten in Metulla or one anti-tank missile hits someone in Misgav Am.” “Hezbollah soldiers gained experience in Syria. They are more independent operators, have heavier firepower, use lookouts, battle formations. If Radwan got to Metulla…,” he said, trailing off as if finishing the thought was too dark of an option.

Moreover, he warned, “We are very close. We know that they can make a comeback. Metulla has dilemmas. It does not take a [brilliant military leader like] Napoleon to see that Hezbollah can invade from three to four directions, as well as [Metulla] being hit by rockets.” He further cautioned that Hezbollah started building new positions a few months ago, which they are using as lookouts. “There is a feeling that they are coming back,” in terms of actively patrolling the border and studying “Israeli” soldier’s border activities.

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