Holding World Al-Quds Day in Yemen / Emphasizing the resistance against the occupying enemy and the betrayal of the Arab compromisers

Referring to the Yemeni plans for World Al-Quds Day, a Sanaa government official said that Palestine and Al-Quds are the first and main aspirations of the Yemeni people, and that they will be at the forefront of those who go to Palestine to liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque.

Faraan: The Committee for Organizing Important Events in Yemen today issued a statement calling for the broad participation of the Yemeni people in various provinces in the World Al-Quds Day demonstrations, which are scheduled to take place tomorrow evening.

The committee stressed the importance of broad popular participation in the World Al-Quds Day march and declared that the Palestinian cause will remain the main issue of the Yemeni people, despite all the aggression and siege imposed on the Yemeni people for more than seven years. The committee also stressed the firm and principled position of the Yemeni people in supporting the Palestinian cause and standing by the people of this land against the imperialism and occupation of the Zionist enemy. It also called on the people to march on Al-Quds Day in solidarity with the Palestinian people against repeated crimes and aggressions. The Zionist regime is committing atrocities in the shadow of shameful international silence.

The organizing committee of important events in Yemen also stressed the importance of standing up to the Zionist enemy and condemning the position of the compromising Arab regimes that compete with the Zionists for normalization and have betrayed the important issues of the Islamic Ummah, especially Palestine. In this regard, Dr. Qais al-Tul, Director General of the Office of the Ministry of Guidance and Hajj and Umrah of the Government of the National Salvation of Yemen, in a special interview with the Al-Ahd news website, mentioned a number of special programs for Yemenis to celebrate Al-Quds Day.

He stressed that the special programs of the Yemenis to celebrate the International Day of Quds have started from the last ten days of the holy month of Ramadan with daily ceremonies in mosques and religious circles throughout Yemen. Moreover, as part of the preparations and mobilization programs to celebrate World Al-Quds Day, various cultural, awareness-raising and mobilization activities will be held in all neighborhoods and offices of the Yemeni provinces, and the main demonstrations will be held on Friday, as in other countries.

The Yemeni official stressed that Yemen has played a major role in defending the unity of the Islamic Ummah and the axis of resistance, thanks to its leadership measures, Quranic methods and teachings, and the insight and awareness of its people of faith. With their Quranic teachings, the Yemeni people, by attending the World Al-Quds Day ceremony, emphasize that the most important and greatest ideal for them is the issue of Palestine and the Holy Quds.

Referring to the leadership measures of the Ansarullah movement, as well as the great sacrifices of the Yemeni people against the United States, Saudi Arabia, the Zionist regime, the UAE and other aggressors, he said that the Yemeni people are now at the forefront of the resistance. We see the fact in the presence of millions of Yemenis on the International Day of Al-Quds that, despite all the aggression and siege imposed on them, they participate in such a great event and do not allow the calamities that befell the Yemeni people to achieve their main goal and ideal.

“We are also witnessing the sincere and practical support of the Lebanese resistance and its esteemed leadership from Yemen, and now, thanks to God, Yemen has reached a stage of progress that the Zionist regime admits is deeply concerned about Yemeni missile and drone strikes,” he added. Especially after a few honest and strong warnings given by Ansarullah leader Abdul Malik Badruddin al-Houthi to the Zionists.

He stressed that their choices against the enemy are many and beyond the imagination of the occupying Zionist regime and even higher than the imagination of the Americans and the British and other forces of infidelity, polytheism and hypocrisy. More so specifically in the field of power, where they have many strengths, both geographically and militarily, and the important, sensitive and dangerous targets of the aggressors have all been targeted by Yemeni ballistic missiles and drones, many of which we have tested on Saudi and Emirati targets.

The director general of the office of the Ministry of Guidance of the Yemeni National Salvation Government said about the relationship between the Yemeni people and the Palestinian cause, “This is a religious, moral and value relationship that is the main part of the faith identity of the Yemeni people. Just as every Muslim wishes to go on Hajj to visit the House of God, the Yemenis also wish to participate in the jihad alongside the Palestinians to liberate Al-Aqsa Mosque. We are sure that the Yemenis will stand by the Palestinian fighters in any future confrontation with the Zionist enemy, and we will see, with God’s will, that the battalions of the Yemeni fighters are moving towards Palestine.”

At the end of his conversation with Al-Ahd website, he announced, “We call on all the Muslims to celebrate this great event, which is the International Day of Quds; Because it is an important and necessary step towards liberating the sacred and achieving freedom and guaranteeing the unity of the Islamic Ummah and gaining God’s approval.”

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