Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq
Lahore – Pakistan
Friday Sermon – 5th April, 2024
Sermon 1: Dua of Imam Sajjad (a) – Protection of limbs in this month
Sermon 2: If Ulama cannot give Fatwa of Jihad – people have Fatwa from Quran and Prophet (s)
The Holy month of Ramadan is one of the opportunities and arrangements Allah (s) has made for practicing Taqwa so that man can get prepared to live the entire year on Taqwa. It is normal in the world for all those who are assigned for security are made to practice, drill so that they are prepared and remain alert for defending their borders throughout the year like the armed forces.
Imam Sajjad (a.s) in his Dua for welcoming Ramadan elaborates the various aspects and identities of Ramadan as gratefulness to Allah for granting us this Taufeeq to us. If the secret of Ramadan as expressed in this Dua gets exposed to us then acquisition of Taqwa becomes easy because these days are meant for Taqwa and our selves are prepared for this.
Imam Sajjad (a) continuing from before
اللَّهُمَّ صَلِّ عَلَى مُحَمَّد وَآلِهِ،
O God, bless Muhammad and his Household,
وَأَلْهِمْنَا مَعْرِفَةَ فَضْلِهِ وَإِجْلاَلَ حُرْمَتِهِ
inspire us with knowledge of its excellence, veneration of its inviolability,
وَالتَّحَفُّظَ مِمَّا حَظَرْتَ فِيهِ
and caution against what You hast forbidden within it,
وَأَعِنَّـا عَلَى صِيَامِـهِ بِكَفِّ الْجَـوَارِحِ عَنْ مَعَاصِيْكَ،
and help us to fast in it by our restraining our limbs from acts of disobedience toward You
وَاسْتِعْمَالِهَا فِيهِ بِمَا يُرْضِيْكَ
and our employing them in that which pleases You,
حَتَّى لاَ نُصْغِىَ بِأَسْمَاعِنَا إلَى لَغْو،
so that we lend not our ears to idle, useless talk
وَلا نُسْرِعَ بِأَبْصَارِنَا إلَى لَهْو،
and hurry not with our eyes to diversion,
وَحَتَّى لاَ نَبْسُطَ أَيْدِيَنَا إلَى مَحْظُور،
we stretch not our hands toward the forbidden
وَلاَ نَخْطُوَ بِأَقْدَامِنَا إلَى مَحْجُور،
and stride not with our feet toward the prohibited,
وَحَتَّى لاَ تَعِيَ بُطُونُنَا إلاَّ مَا أَحْلَلْتَ،
our bellies hold only what You hast made lawful
وَلا تَنْطِقَ أَلْسِنَتُنَا إلاَّ بِمَا مَثَّلْتَ
and our tongues speak only what You hast exemplified,
وَلا نَتَكَلَّفَ إلاَّ ما يُدْنِي مِنْ ثَوَابِكَ،
we undertake nothing but what brings close to Your reward
وَلاَ نَتَعَاطَى إلاّ الَّذِي يَقِيْ مِنْ عِقَابِكَ،
and pursue nothing but what protects from Your punishment!
ثُمَّ خَلِّصْ ذَلِكَ كُلَّهُ مِنْ رِئآءِ الْمُرَائِينَ وَسُمْعَةِ الْمُسْمِعِينَ،
Then rid all of that from the false show of the false showers and the fame seeking of the fame seekers,
لاَ نَشْرَكُ فِيهِ أَحَداً دُونَكَ،
lest we associate therein anything with You
وَلا نَبْتَغِيْ فِيهِ مُرَاداً سِوَاكَ.
or seek therein any object of desire but You!
Imam (a) begins this paragraph with that excelled act not confined to any time, that is sending salutations on Holy Prophet (s) and his holy progeny. The excellence that you have granted to Ramadan Imam (a) says please clarity to us, guide us on how this month has privilege over other months. As you have made this month sanctimonious then grant us the opportunity to deliver its rights of respecting its sanctity. O Allah! Grant us protection from those affairs which you have asked us to refrain from. Taqwa is this protection. He (a) says in this month the things from which you have stopped us from going near then protect us from those. And in this month help us to keep our organs away from disobedience. Allah has asked to take help, cooperation from Sabr and Salaat. But we generally don’t do this because we consider these for spiritual rewards. The cooperation, help is required in this world. We generally take help, cooperation from people and even if someone helps, they disgrace you. In Dua e Abu Hamza Thumali, Imam Sajjad (a) says if you do not support me, then I will become dependent on others and first they will humiliate me. Do not make me dependent on anyone who will disgrace me. People have means to help but lack the capacity. So, if you do not want to help someone then do not deny by humiliating them. But Allah has made such means of Sabr and Salaat to take help without any humiliation. We have not looked at this dimension of Salaat. We only recite Salaat for spiritual gains whereas Allah has made every worship outward worldly beneficial and with inward spiritual benefits that needs much help. The outward benefits are easily available for everyone. Like we want to recite Salaat with presence of heart which is the peak whereby his heart does not distract for a moment. But Salaat starts with physical presence first, which means you should be present physically when you are ordered meeting all the conditions then you have achieved half of the purpose of Salaat. If someone cannot reach the position of presence of heart whereby his occupancies are such that his mind, heart does not remain present, then also he should not consider that his Salaat is wasted. The conditions for physical presence are to be present on the initial time for Salaat, do ablution, well dressed, remain disciplined, stand in ranks and all these we can do. This is the discipline which Allah desires and Allah has made Salaat as our help and supporter. We have to take cooperation from this supporter. We make big plans but then leave it because we don’t have means from people. The people come later first Allah is our supporter and cooperator. But how to take help from Allah? And for this Allah has made supporter for you who is daily with you to help you. Similarly Fasting and month of Ramadan is like this only. We need cooperation, support for the practices of this month because we are weak. Imam (a) is saying we seek cooperation, help from Siyam to keep our limbs away from your disobedience. Our weakness is that our limbs, organs are weak. We have tongue but we cannot control it. It needs your cooperation and support to control, stop my organs from disobedience. I should close my eyes, stop my tongue where it is required. Man can do big things, but cannot control his organs. You have given these organs to be used for your pleasure. I should use eyes, tongues, hands, legs where there is your pleasure, but it does not happen. The legs should move towards the place of remembrance of Allah. But they don’t? Imam Sajjad (a) in Dua e Abu Hamza presents this problem that my organs are ready for everything except to come in your presence. So, is it that you have deserted me from the ranks of your saints and beloved ones? My eyes are open when watching TV, mobile but when I open my eyes to recite Quran or guidance, I feel dizzy. Is it because O Allah! You do not like that I come in your presence. If this is a punishment then I seek forgiveness and sign of being forgiven is that my organs, limbs should not stop while coming near you when I intend.
Then Imam Sajjad (a) says in this month we should not listen to a single word that is Laghw which means useless, idle talks. They are not vulgar talks, but those things to talk which are purposeless like cracking jokes, pranks. Then in this month I should not speedily run my eyes towards Lahw. My hands should not approach anything forbidden by you and I need your help. We should not take a step for any work, place from which you have forbidden us and we need your help. And things which you have not made permissible should not enter our bellies, means keep our stomachs empty from forbidden food. Our tongues should not speak on those topics, subjects which you have permitted. And we should not bear any hardship which does not make us near to your rewards. People bear hardships in the world for the sake of getting pleasure. If we want to bear hardship then it should be only for the sake of seeking your rewards. We should not do any bargain, trading which takes us near your wrath. And all these steps taken with your help and support, then protect these acts of mine from showing off. Along with “Riya” there is one more word “Summa”. The one that is shown off is Riya and one that is make heard is “Summa”. We do certain acts so that people can see and praise us. Many do even welfare activities so that people can praise us. This is Riya. You should do everything but not for the sake of gaining praises of people and instead do it for the sake and pleasure of Allah. Those who desire popularity they broadcast everything so that people should know. O Allah! Grant us opportunity to deliver all these but pure from Shirk. The Riya, showing off, broadcasting your deeds in people is Shirk because you desire pleasure, praises of people. I should not intend for anyone else other than you. You should be our destiny and purpose. Even if we place Houries in between then also this becomes a small Shirk. If you do things for Jannah then also Allah is not in your mind. In Ramadan only your essence should be our objective. If we find and reach Allah then what else have we lost.
Sermon 2
Sawm is an important means of acquiring Taqwa ordained in this month. It is the most effective means of fostering human being. Sawm means to stop from things forbidden by Allah and you have to stop with your own will power. When you stop and strengthen your will power then you should stop others as well from things forbidden by Allah. This is the reason the outcome of Sawm, that is Taqwa is not discussed but only Fasting is present. In this current month of Ramadan all Muslims have made and done things in the same routine way but still Taqwa seems to be forsaken as per Quranic terminology. The effectiveness is not there in any group of people and the proof is Palestine. For 77 years what is happening with Palestine, we can see the Muslims have been under trials and tribulations. Today they have a tough examination where they have to take a decision. The extremity has gone up in this year and month specifically. The Zionists attacks a church and killed priests taking refuge there. The Pope issued statement that oppression is taking place in Gaza but prior to this he did not consider any oppression there. The aid workers got killed and with these seven people has aroused America as well. The U.A.E has warned Israel that we will break our relationship with you for killing these seven aid workers but did not move with thousands of Palestine killed. Biden called Netanyahu and said now America can change its policy for you as you have killed seven aid workers. American senator has said before to kill all of them together with one Atom bomb.
The Muslims are watching as spectators for 77 years and all rulers, states have been cooperating with Zionists. The British did the crime for giving this land of Palestine to Zionists. Every major crime in the world has been initiated by Britain and completed by America as that is also Britain’s illegitimate child. Arab fully supported Israel for killing Zionists. For sometime in the beginning due to the Pan Arabism, Jamal Abdul Nasser made some atmosphere and when they suffered losses they backed off. If you see the role of Muslim scholars, it has been very disappointing. It is the same role which they played at the time of Karbala. It was a worse atrocity and entire Islamic world remained silent on that. They did not do anything at that time and did not even mourn or reach Karbala. Imam Sajjad (a) had an era of 35 years of Imamat in absolute isolation and no one was ready to stand with Ahlulbayt (a). This lowliness, disgrace has again repeated from the Ummah.
Today thanks to Allah who has given us grace by showing us the path of dignity also to this Ummah of ours through Imam Khomeini (r.a). He shook the conscience of Muslim Ummah on what is this disgrace against bunch of Zionists. Rise and help your brothers, get freedom to Aqsa and Palestine. Every day of atrocity on Palestine is a day of shame and disgrace for Muslims. This is destruction of Muslims world and hereafter. The Imam of Ummah guided us on this and declared Qods Day as the last Friday of Ramadan which is for awareness of Ummah. It was not that he announced only one day but also made every arrangement. He delivered message to ulama that they should awaken the ummah. The rulers can sell Palestine but not get liberation. The Arabs and their follower nations like Pakistan can sell Aqsa but not get freedom for it. This was the insight given by Allah (s) to Imam Khomeini (r.a) which you can see in history you will find very few like this. There are millions of scholars in Pakistan but what is their role? They are doing sectarianism, prejudice and terrorism. But making personality in the name of religion and then tolerating this oppression on Palestine is a disgrace.
The Imam e Juma of Qom, Dr Arafi is well known personality and issued a letter to everyone in which he said everyone who has the authority to issue a Fatwa (religious verdict) should do it immediately. He has demanded from all Ulama of entire Islam as to anyone who has the ability to issue verdict (Fatwa) they should also give Fatwas to stop relationship with Israel and boycott Israeli products which is the big source of income coming from Muslim world.
So, will the issue be resolved by boycotting Israel goods? Will this solve the problem of Gaza? Why don’t you ask from scholars for a fatwa which Quran is demanding, that is Jihad. Today the Fatwa of boycott is not required but Fatwa of Jihad is required. The Jihad should be made obligatory on every Muslim till the time not even one Zionist remains. You have learnt the ability of giving Fatwa by taking lessons of Islam but Fatwas of Jihad are given with the pain of Islam. You have studied Islam for bread, Khums and Zakat. Like Ali (A) said about one religious personality to leave him because he has learnt religion to cover his crimes. This is required by those who are waiting for Fatwa of Ulama. The Quran has given Fatwa and is reason, when Quran is questioning what has happened to you that you do not rise up when women, children are screaming for your help to get salvation. The Fatwa of Prophet (s) has come that anyone who has heard an oppressed asking for help from Muslims, and if he does not help then he is not a Muslim. There are two things done as pain killers, one is to collect Aids for Palestinian and second is to boycott Israel. Do not cut relationship with Israel but cut off Israel from its existence. Imam Khomeini (r.a) said it is a cancer which should get annihilated. This is the duty of Islamic world and scholars. This Fatwa which was not given has resulted into tragedy. If you do not want to do this and then give Fatwa like Qazi Shuraykh to give fatwa of killing Imam Hussain. You also give Fatwa that Muslims should join Zionist and kill every Palestinian. This is disgraceful life which Allah does not like. Allah can stop this oppression today but it is law of Allah, one is to give respite to oppressors for observing how far they go in oppression and second is the trial of believers to see practically how much belief you have. Can you become believer by delivering few rituals. Imam Khomeini (r.a) handed over this subject to people. The masses have done this. For 45 years the Qods Day is taking place and even in Pakistan. In Lahore when I used to come from Qom, I saw that it was very disappointing, and scholars would not attend. I would try to come for Qods Day in Lahore to attend it. Once I went to the mosque from where this rally would start. The Imam Jumah was telling police and worshippers that these people standing outside are not related to us. I was observing this and big number of people who came for Friday prayers went to their homes in the opposite direction of rally. Then we approached and requested some scholars of Lahore to come for this rally. Then once few scholars came as representative. The Maulana who came said that in thirty years I have participated for first time. This has been our behavior for Qods. Today it is not like that; people and scholars both are awakened even though rulers have disappointed. The masses will not get disappointed. The rulers and scholars will remain ashamed in the presence of Allah. We pray that they should be saved from this disgrace. But if these scholars and rulers do not do anything then you should not become ashamed. This is the religion of Imam Hussain (A) as to whatever rulers want you should remain under the standard of Imam Hussain (a). if the scholars join Banu Umayyah, still you have to be with Imam Hussain (a). You should not look at ordinances and Fatwas. Our PM spoke and wrote letter to Biden but did not say anything to him as to what crimes you are committing in Gaza. The interests of these rulers are at stake but not of people. If they want to kill every Palestinian then people should finish off every American Embassy in every country. America is doing barbarism by doing Veto and not allowing the war to stop. This is because they know the Muslims have died and today you have to prove that whom they are thinking as dead are alive. They have conscience alive and they will fulfill their promise. Today is Qods Day, you have to cancel all your routine work and after the Friday prayer you have to deliver your duty and give message to America, Zionists and all these disgraceful rulers. We have to tell Palestinians we are not dead, we are Hussaini and standing with these oppressed against oppression, because the school, tribe of Imam is that it teaches us to support the oppressed and go after perdition of oppressor. Today Israel has tested the power of everyone and they have taken the war to the extent of attacking the Embassy of Iran as well which is like attacking a country. The leadership of Iran will decide what they have to do and reply. But we should not think like leader, but give message to our leader, that if you order we will reach Gaza with our infants.
I have mentioned this before as well that what we are doing is not effective and pressure is not coming on Zionists. The organizations should do in such a manner that pressure comes on them. Israel wants the war to spread out of Gaza so that they get protection. We also want this to spread across the world and not the way Israel wants. It should spread to every street where there is Israeli and American company present. This is the demand from scholars and Ulama then only they will step back else they will kill every Muslim. One after other turn will come of new city and others will watch. All Muslims and specifically Pakistani who are highly passionate, so what has happened to their passion. Aqsa, Gaza is getting ruined and the passion of Pakistanis is not arousing? You have done sectarianism with passion which was crime. But Allah will accept the passion now for Gaza. Come out in field and demonstrate your passion. We will start the rally and remain disciplined till end. There is heat of Sun but not the heat of bombs and fire in Gaza. We should take two steps now for Gaza and they will turn into those steps which will become steps that will give salvation to Gaza and Palestine. May Allah destroy these oppressors.