If you do not raise voice for Palestine, Allah won’t give you respite for long: Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq
Lahore – Pakistan

Friday Sermon – 6th September 2024

Sermon 1: Allah separates Khabees from Tayyab, makes groups of Khabees and casts them into hell
Sermon 2: If you do not raise voice for Palestine, Allah won’t give you respite for long
Allah has created everything in pairs; Tayyab (pure) and Khabees (impure), manifesting in all aspects of life including land, economy, food, and human upbringing. Human existence navigates between purity and impurity, enabling individuals to discern and choose between a pure and impure life. The Quran explains Tayyab and Khabees, describing Khabees as something tainted with impurities that render the original entity ineffective. As humans live by choice, multiple pathways and situations are essential to activate one’s intention and will. Without diverse options, there would be compulsion rather than genuine choice.
According to Islamic belief, life is divided by Allah into two categories: Tayyab and Khabees. Khabees life is characterized by a lack of purpose, spent merely on consumption and waste production. In Surah Aaraf, verse 58 illustrates Hayat-e-Tayyab as fertile land yielding productive outcomes, while Hayat-e-Khabeesa represents unproductive life that consumes much but produces nothing.
All the organizations, parties, groups, personalities on whom resources are spent but if nothing comes out they are all Khabees. Man has to acquire divine bounties, opportunities and give output. For this the impurities should be cleansed. We have read in verse 179 before that Allah is not like that he will keep Tayyab and Khabees as it is, instead he will separate Khabees and Tayyab through his messengers. They have to plant the seed of humanity in people and if they are pure the fruits will come out.
لِيَمِيزَ اللَّهُ الْخَبِيثَ مِنَ الطَّيِّبِ وَيَجْعَلَ الْخَبِيثَ بَعْضَهُ عَلَىٰ بَعْضٍ فَيَرْكُمَهُ جَمِيعًا فَيَجْعَلَهُ فِي جَهَنَّمَ ۚ أُولَٰئِكَ هُمُ الْخَاسِرُونَ {37}
That Allah might separate the impure from the good, and put the impure, some of it upon the other, and pile it up together, then cast it into hell; these it is that are the losers.
The main confusion in religion arises when we doubt Allah’s system and compare it to human-made systems.
The verse 36 before starts the discussion
إِنَّ الَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا يُنْفِقُونَ أَمْوَالَهُمْ لِيَصُدُّوا عَنْ سَبِيلِ اللَّهِ ۚ فَسَيُنْفِقُونَهَا ثُمَّ تَكُونُ عَلَيْهِمْ حَسْرَةً ثُمَّ يُغْلَبُونَ ۗ وَالَّذِينَ كَفَرُوا إِلَىٰ جَهَنَّمَ يُحْشَرُونَ {36}
Surely those who disbelieve spend their wealth to hinder (people) from the way of Allah; so they shall spend it, then it shall be to them an intense regret, then they shall be overcome; and those who disbelieve shall be driven together to hell.
This a law that those who do not believe in the divine systems are given wealth, they earn a lot but to hinder people away from the path of Allah. Why Allah has made this system? This is because Allah can separate the impure ones from pure ones. We are also counted in the same category, whereby if we try to hinder people from the path of Allah then Allah will give us more wealth. Then later they will regret and eventually Allah they will succumb. In verse 37 then it says Allah will separate pure and impure. And Allah will pile up impure ones together making them as one group or community. Certain Khabees will be above others and this way a pile will be made and then cast this pile into hell.
Since we are living in an adulterated society where pure and impure are all same. As we have mentioned from the verse whereby pure and impure ones are not equal but in our society they are same in every affair. If we discriminate then people will object upon you that why you differentiate. We have denied the first law itself that they are not same. We claim to be pure but have friendship with impure ones. Our culture, orientations are with impure ones and are not sensitive towards this. But Allah says we have to separate them. At times one Khabees which means useless person is present amongst Tayyab. The Tayyab are those to whom Allah has given something and give outputs. If they mix up together then the effective one will also become ineffective. Even if there are 90% are pure and 10% are impure, the society will become impure because these 90% have not separated themselves from these 10% for the sake of crowd, votes and to show that these many people are with us.
I can give an example of religious seminaries on how much is spent on seminary students. You cannot calculate how much is spent on these religious students in Qom. The amount spent on the seminary in Qom is more than the entire budget of thousands of universities in Iran. You can see the output of universities and of seminary. Why the output is so low? This is because they are just playing with score to show how many students we have in seminary. Are they effective or useless? Since useless ones are together the output is nothing. The effective ones even if they are ten will give you much more result with less being spent. Ideally the Qom seminary should have produced thousands of Muttahhari. Imam Khomeini (r.a) was a pure soul and see the output.
Even if you gather them together Allah will separate the pure and impure ones, pile the impure ones then cast them into hell. They are losers. Today we spend our wealth on useless beings. Pakistan is an unsuccessful state because we have gathered all useless people in parliament, senate. The are effective people also present in Pakistan but they are not allowed to come into governance. In universities there are professors, teachers in universities who are very effective. As an example today Dr Abdus Salaam has been humiliated a lot on media that he he was Qadyani. He studied from outside, came to Paksitan but could not befit here, so he went to Italy and got a noble prize over there. In one of his interviews which I read he says after doing Phd in physics I came to Pakistan and in one of the universities I went for job and asked them to make him in-charge of laboratory so I can start research activities. They offered me the post of in-charge of college football team. He says I took that post and after two years I started to develop interest in football but then I realized that I have studied science so I left Pakistan. He was made professor, researcher and Dr Abdus Salaam gave the output. An effective person came to a college in the hands of useless person and he could not survive there. Another effective person Dr Qadir Khan came and eventually he was made to repent on TV as a criminal. The person who strengthened the defence of Pakistan and became a model for youths was treated in this manner.
PIA is on sale but no one wants to buy and against that private airlines are doing well. When the same people make their private systems they take them on peak, but the same when they come in government departments they are not allowed to do anything. When Allah wants to destroy a generation Allah gathers the impure ones and they will get ranks, eventually Allah will destroy them but the loss will be that they will destroy the nation as well.
The system of Imamat does not mix pure and impure individuals. Tayyab doesn’t mean infallibility but rather effective, productive people who achieve results. Allah gathers the impure together, and those who align with them will also face consequences. Effective society members, Tayyabeen, are essential for societal progress. While some view sacred individuals as inherently Tayyab, effectiveness is key—purity within leads to productivity. Sacred but ineffective individuals don’t meet the Quranic definition of Tayyab, which implies productive output. In the Imamat system, useless individuals aren’t given roles.
At times when we see good things are going on and certain people do not take part in it is because Allah has separated the impure ones. When Allah wants to keep something pure then Allah purifies that work from impure ones and they themselves leave the work. In Surah Anfal verse 37 says the same, that Allah will separate impure from pure, then pile the impure ones together and throw them into hell. If the impure ones are not piled together into groups they will enter the pure ones and disturb them.This is the law of Allah. We have to understand the divine plans (Tadbeer). One such divine plan is Taqwa.
Protection of humanity and its all affairs are through the divine plan of Taqwa. If man abandons this divine plan like the current generation which has thrown Taqwa out completely are suffering from most miseries in entire history. This generation is the most criminal one as compared to all former generations. When Muslims have abandoned Taqwa resulting into various crimes and amongst these one major crime is Gaza whereby Muslims are demonstrating their shamelessness. Allah is discriminating pure and impure ones in this tragedy.
In Gaza the tyranny is going on where the most criminal Jews are living in Israel. But these Jews themselves have also stood up against these crimes. In last week entire Israel is protesting against these atrocities but Muslims are not realizing this. The Muslims have become victim of a big sin of apathy and being unconcerned.
The month of Rabiul Awwal has started which is associated with Holy Prophet (s). The believers are preparing for celebrations but with what face you will celebrate whereby his generation is suffering all these atrocities and getting destroyed? You are silent on bloodshed of Muslim Ummah and then you will appease Prophet by celebrating his birth day?
When this battle of Gaza started then many parties expressed their voices but later they all became silent. Are the Muslims of Pakistan became unconcerned naturally or is this something against Human fitrat? Some name sake Mufti’s found Sunni sect in danger since Shias were in forefront in supporting Gaza through Iran who is Shia. So is this is the reason they are not supporting Gaza? The reason is not this because the reason is much more painful then this.
An ex senator of Jamat e Islami, Senator Mushtaq who has been active for Gaza and his wife started an NGO and did a protest under the title of “Save Gaza”, they were stampeded by a car and their protest was ended. Last week both husband and wife were arrested under the crime that why they raised voice for Palestine. Similarly there are others as well who raise voice but the voice that is being raised even from before 7th October 2023 , from the time Yaum Al Qods was announced by Imam Khomeini (r.a) is from Shias and by us from here. Our youths are being harassed in various places and they are told that you are becoming part of a crime if you support Palestine and oppose Israel. The one who becomes afraid of Ubaidullah, or got convinced through him and did not come to support Imam Hussain (a) is a supporter of Yazid. It is not that by distancing from Imam Hussain (a) you have become qualified for paradise. Allah will separate impure ones from pure ones. The path of Imam Hussain (a) was Tayyab and Allah filtered all the impure ones out from this movement.
One impression given by our Pakistani politicians, journalists is that it is proxy war which shows the stupid mentality of these people. And since it is proxy war we should not become part of it. If we assume that this is proxy war, then whether you are part of this proxy war or out of this? The Imam e Kaaba has issued statement that that should not become part of this war. So by keeping people out of the war are you getting out of this war? This is lowliness that you are supporting Israel this way. When you remain silent then this is Khazl which supports the enemy. If you leave Kashmir alone the Modi will benefit. You are playing the most filthiest role in this proxy war. The people should be behind the government and government should apply pressure on Israel. They want to take loans from IMF so if Paksitan supports palestine they will not get loans. This loan is filthy money from which you will run the state. You have eaten this filth only till date and this is the reason that you do not speak out for Palestine. You can read history; people of Medina did not rise so what was the result? Did Hejaz remain secure? What happened with people of Medina and Mecca was so bad that you cannot given express and speak about that. Allah does not give much respite to Khazileen. They will suffer much worse then Palestine. It is mandatory for the security of our nation to raise our voice for Palestine. It is astonishing for these scholars on who they can consider them religious after such behavior. Will the Prophet (s) be happy with your celebrations or he will curse you?


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