Intensification of Turkish attacks and the battle of drones in northern Syria

Does the simultaneous flight of Turkish drones in the sky of northern Syria with the bombing of this area by the Turkish army convey the message that the confrontation in the north and northeast of Syria has entered a new stage, the stage of drones?

Faraan: It has been reported in the news that the Turkish army uses drones to invade Syrian lands; These drones target the positions and commanders of the QSD militia group. The SDF has entered the areas where the American forces are stationed in the east of the Euphrates River and has advanced to the areas under the influence of the Russian forces on the other side of the Euphrates. Such developments indicate that Turkey’s aggression in Syria has entered a new stage.

According to information received from northern Syria, since the beginning of this year, Turkish drones have targeted the SDF militant group 42 times, killing 39 people, including two children, and injuring more than 76 people. The Turkish army also carried out 10 drone attacks against this group during this month, which caused many casualties.

Simultaneously with the increase in drone attacks of the Turkish army in northern Syria, Turkish artillery and missile attacks on villages and towns in the outskirts of Aleppo and al-Hasakah have increased. Today, for the fourth consecutive day, tension reigned in the Abu Rasin and Tal Tamr areas in the northwest of al-Hasaka province, and the Turkish army and the armed groups supported by it are targeting the suburbs of these areas with mortar and missile attacks so that the residents of these areas are forced to move.

Political observers in Syria believe that the intensification of Turkey’s military attacks and the increase of its drone attacks and the statements of Turkish officials regarding the continuation of the military option in northern Syria mean Ankara’s attempt to weaken the SDF and influence the administrative, security and military structure of this group, and Turkey plans to empty these areas of civilians through drone attacks and the killing of several SDF commanders.

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