Iran: Israel only apartheid regime in world that follows racist, expansionist practices

Iran’s ambassador to the United Nations says the Israeli regime is currently the only apartheid regime in the world, which continues to commit new acts of genocide and other crimes.

Faraan: The Iranian ambassador, Majid Takht-Ravanchi, made the remarks in a statement submitted to the UN General Assembly on Thursday.

The senior Iranian diplomat said in the statement that the United Nations has already condemned imperialism, colonialism, neocolonialism, apartheid, and racism, including Zionism, in all its forms in a number of its resolutions and decisions, including in the UN General Assembly Resolution 34/103 adopted on December 14, 1979 and also in its resolution 3151 (XXVIII) of December 14,1973.

Furthermore, the Political Declaration and Strategy to Strengthen International Peace and Security and to Intensify Solidarity and Mutual Assistance among Non-Aligned Countries adopted on August 30, 1975 has “severely condemned Zionism as a threat to world peace and security and called upon all countries to oppose this racist and imperialist ideology,” the statement said.

The statement added, “Despite these outstanding calls by the international community, the Israeli regime has remained as the only apartheid regime in the world, with racist and expansionist ideology, policies and practices.”

“That regime has routinely attempted to exploit the sufferings of the Jewish people in the past as a cover for the crimes it has perpetrated over the past seven decades against the regional countries, including all its neighbors without exception,” Iran’s ambassador said.

“So far, it (Israel) has committed all four core international crimes, and in certain occasions, it has committed them simultaneously. Its brutal crimes against the Palestinians, include massacre, assassination, ethnic cleansing, collective punishment, inhumane blockade, demolition of houses, and forced eviction,” the Iranian diplomat noted.

Iran’s ambassador stated that “the occupation of Palestine and parts of Syria and Lebanon as well as the continued grave systematic violation of the human rights of the Palestinians, including their inherent right to self-determination and to establish their independent state with al-Quds al-Sharif as its capital constitute a crime against humanity and cannot be justified whatsoever.”

“The international community should take strong action against the atrocious crimes of that regime and not allow this opportunistic regime to pursue its illegitimate goals through manipulating humanitarian sentiments,” Iran’s statement said.

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