Iranian FM pressures UN to act immediately to stop Yemen war

The Iranian foreign minister’s senior aide for special political affairs has once again urged the United Nations to take immediate action to end the war launched on the impoverished Yemeni nation by the Saudi-led military coalition.

Faraan: Ali Asghar Khaji made the remarks in a video conference with Hans Grundberg, the United Nations secretary general’s special envoy for Yemen, in Tehran on Sunday. He called on the United Nations and the international community to help stop the Saudi-led war on Yemen and lift the coalition’s inhumane blockade against its oppressed people.

The Iranian Foreign Ministry official added that the Islamic Republic will continue its efforts to establish peace in Yemen. Khaji also expressed concern over the intensification of tensions and airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition on the residential areas and non-military sites across Yemen, including air raids that target the country’s telecom infrastructure.

The UN official, for his part, said Iran plays a leading role in promoting peace in Yemen and outlined the world body’s efforts to lift the Saudi-led blockade on the country, establish ceasefire and resume political talks. The new development came after in a message addressed to Grundberg on Thursday, Khaji condemned the Saudi-led war coalition’s relentless assaults against the Yemeni people, calling on the United Nations and all international humanitarian organizations to take immediate actions to put an end to the atrocities.

He denounced the massacre of the people of Yemen and the extensive bombardments of Yemeni cities, civilian sites, and infrastructures by the Saudi-led coalition, saying, “The United Nations and all international humanitarian organizations are urged to take immediate action to stop these inhumane crimes.”

Enjoying complete arms, logistical, and political backing from the United States and its Western allies, especially the UK, Saudi Arabia led many of its allies, chief among them the UAE, in an invasion of Yemen, which started in March 2015. The war has been seeking to crush the popular Ansarullah resistance movement and reinstall the former Riyadh-friendly government.

The war has killed hundreds of thousands of Yemenis and turned the entirety of Yemen into the scene of the world’s worst humanitarian crisis. However, the Ansarullah movement, which runs the National Salvation Government in Sana’a, has vowed not to lay down its arms until the country’s complete liberation from the scourge of the Saudi invasion.

Throughout the course of the Saudi war, Iran has voiced its support for the Yemeni people and denounced the coalition’s crimes in Yemen. Tehran has time and again called for a political solution for years-long Saudi Yemen war, stressing that siege and military strikes will not end the crisis in the war-torn Arab country.

Iran says it welcomes whatever initiative that could bring about an end to the seven-year-old Saudi war on the Arab country, and has backed initiatives that are based on political solutions for an end to the Saudi Crippling blockade and devastating war. The Islamic Republic has frequently emphasized that the current problems in Yemen should be settled through diplomatic channels in cooperation with all Yemenis, noting that the country’s political future can be determined only through intra-Yemeni talks.

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