Is Biden’s enmity with the Syrian people at the height of the Ukraine crisis?

The United States is considering a plan to exempt parts of Syrian territory controlled by the armed Kurds of the “Qassad” group and Turkey from sanctions imposed by Washington and Caesar’s law.

Faraan: According to this plan, foreign investors and companies will be exempted from sanctions and harassment under the US Caesar law in areas under Turkish control and part of Turkish-controlled areas. Of course, this plan will not include Idlib and the “Olive Branch” operational area. The reason for this is due to the domination of “Al-Nusra” over these areas.

The implication of this US decision is that the imposition of sanctions and harassment on the Syrian people has affected the enemies of the Syrian people, including the Kurds and the Turkish occupiers, more than it has affected the areas under the control of the Syrian regime. And so the United States is thinking of a way out of this situation.

The fact that the plan includes the exemption of Turkish-occupied territories as part of its goals does not seem unrelated to Turkey’s reception of Israeli President Ishaq Herzog. On this account, it is not far-fetched that this US action is in fact a reward for the Turkish government for reconsidering its relations with Israel.

Despite his interest in the Syrian Kurds, Biden is well aware that an independent and autonomous Kurdistan has no place in Syria’s future. Nevertheless, given that most of Syria’s oil and gas is located in the northeastern Syrian region, which is controlled by the Kurdish armed group “Qasd”, Biden is trying to provide maximum support to the Kurds as the last harmful force and opposition to the Syrian regime and make the most use of them to make up for its 11-year defeats in Syria.

Syria’s importance to the Biden government is such that, despite its current focus on its crisis in Ukraine, it is by no means satisfied with the struggle against the ruling regime in Syria. This shows both the strength of the Syrian regime and the people, and suggests that the United States, in its settlement with Russia, cannot afford to use any leverage.

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