Israel has been deploying part of its military aircraft and espionage equipment along with the regime’s military experts in US bases scattered in some countries in the West Asia region, a new report says.
Faraan: The report released by Iran’s Nournews website on Monday says undercover Israeli military personnel deployed to US bases in the region conduct their own missions independent of American forces present in those bases, Press TV reported.
The important point about this regional presence, the report said, is the deployment of undercover military and intelligence agents of Israel in some regional countries that enjoy close relations with Iran. Experts believe that the main goal behind the presence of the Israeli agents in some regional countries is to spy on and collect direct information related to Iran’s important bases and sensitive facilities.
The report added that although the Iranian Armed Forces are closely monitoring these provocative moves, for which the host countries are also responsible, the nature of these actions will increase tension and instability in the region and can lead to unpredictable conditions.
It added that high-resolution documented photos are available on the presence of the Israeli regime’s aircraft and espionage equipment in the US bases in some regional countries, which confirm the intelligence gathered in the field on Israel’s anti-Iran activities in the region.
According to the report, senior officials of countries where Israeli undercover experts have been present are aware of the Israeli military and intelligence presence in their countries but prefer to keep mum on this issue.
The project follows started the Zionist regime was transferred from the United States European Command (EUCOM) to US Central Command (CENTCOM), which aims to pave the ground for Tel Aviv’s intelligence and military conspiracies in the region following the US withdrawal from the West Asia region.