Israeli security forces detain nearly 1,300 Palestinians in 3 months

The Israeli security forces have detained 1,282 Palestinians in the occupied West Bank and East Jerusalem over the past three months.

Faraan: This is stated in a joint report of the Committee on Prisoners of the Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO), the Society of Palestinian Captives, the Office for the Protection of Prisoners “Zamir” and the Information Center “Wadi Hilwa” (Wadi Hilwa).

According to the report, 525 of these individuals were detained in East Jerusalem (Al-Quds).

The authors of the document confirmed that 160 of the detained Palestinians are minors, including 37 women.

The report says that the number of Palestinian captives in Israeli prisons has increased to almost 4,600 people, 500 of them are administratively detained.

Israel is detaining the Palestinians, accusing them of administrative violations. Detainees usually remain in custody for 1 to 6 months.

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