FARAAN: The French police killed a 17-year-old French youth of Algerian descent, and Emmanuel Macron, the president of this country, only said that he was affected by this incident.
Although the crime of killing this young man, whose name is “Nael”, was done without any reason, in justifying this murder, the police announced that the young man did not pay attention to the police’s request to stop. It is clear that this justification is a worse excuse than guilt, because it does not justify not stopping the young man, the police shooting and killing him, especially since the security situation in France is not so bad as to justify such an action.
Of course, if the young man was white, the police would not have shot him, even if he had not paid attention to the police stop, because the color of the skin determines the way the French police behave, according to the statistics of the French press, the police of this country in 2020, 2021 and in 2022, killed 18 Frenchmen in similar circumstances, most of whom were black or Arab.
There is no justification for the crimes of the French police, except the racism of this country’s government against Muslims and people of color, in order to cover up the inefficiency of Paris in the economic field, and turn a part of the people into a ladder to reach power.
If such crimes were committed in an Arab or Islamic country, especially in countries opposed to dependence on the West, would the West be silent about it? Or would they raise the flag of human rights and use all the capabilities of international organizations to force that country to pay a heavy price with siege and psychological warfare and even threatening that country with a military attack.