Mark Dankof, former US Senate candidate, says the Washington’s pressure on Manama and Abu-Dhabi to sign a normalization deal with Tel Aviv was a course of action to maintain US dollar value.
Faraan: Speaking in an interview with FNA, Dankof said, “Every one of these regimes is in a symbiotic relationship with the United States, based on a mutual interest in protecting the status of the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency, a status tied to international oil transactions since Richard Nixon’s role in removing the dollar’s gold standard backing in 1971. In exchange for the role of these regimes in assisting the United States in this regard, the Americans provide military umbrella support in the region for these unpopular governments, armament sales, and political cover at the United Nations when criminal activities and human rights violations are credibly alleged.”
Mark Dankof is a broadcaster and political commentator. Formerly the 36th District Chairman of the Republican Party in King County, Seattle and later an elected delegate to Texas State Republican Conventions in 1994 and 1996, he entered the United States Senate race in Delaware in 2000 as the nominated candidate of the Constitution Party against Democratic candidate Thomas Carper and Republican incumbent William Roth.
Below is the full text of the interview:
Q: Are you in any way surprised to see Bahrain and the UAE signed a normalization deal with Israel under Donald Trump?
A: I am not surprised at all. Every one of these regimes is in a symbiotic relationship with the United States, based on a mutual interest in protecting the status of the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency, a status tied to international oil transactions since Richard Nixon’s role in removing the dollar’s gold standard backing in 1971. In exchange for the role of these regimes in assisting the United States in this regard, the Americans provide military umbrella support in the region for these unpopular governments, armament sales, and political cover at the United Nations when criminal activities and human rights violations are credibly alleged.
Donald Trump is a tool of the Israeli regime and their domestic lobby in the United States. His pivotal role in the Soleimani Assassination and political support for Israeli control of East Jerusalem and the Occupied Territories underscores this. His successor is as well. The support of these American Presidential Administrations for Zionist land theft in the region in the interest of a Greater Israel goes hand-in-glove with supporting the Saudi regime in Riyadh, and the Israel-UAE-Bahrain normalization deal based on the American dollar, continuance of the Bretton Woods banking system, Zionist land expansion, and continued American political, military, and economic support for these regimes.
The losers are the Palestinians, and the regional victims of these regimes, along with the victimization of average Americans whose kids die in these ongoing worthless military interventions as the national debt of the United States stands at $32 trillion and counting.
The bad news for all of these governments and for an American foreign policy rooted in Neo-Conservatism, Zionism, and Globalism is that the American Empire is diminishing in strength internationally as the internal divisions within the American public at large increase exponentially. The American Empire is going the same way that its British predecessor did.
The burgeoning cooperation of Iran with both Russia and China is producing a global and regional reconfiguration of the balance of power that makes the Zionist-Saudi-UAE-Bahrain bet on the American model an increasingly bad one. This is key to the beginning of the end.
Q: Is the normalization deal giving more security and stability to the UAE and Bahrain or just serving as yet another destabilizing factor in the region?
A: The exposure of the existence of the Pegasus/NSO Group spyware is the latest wake-up call to the people of the entire world, along with the people living in the Persian Gulf and the Middle East, of the global designs of the Zionist beast in creating an international surveillance and police state to augment their employment of the Central Banking system, American economic sanctions, political assassinations, and overt threats of preemptive military force to achieve goals well beyond the dream of a Greater Israel between the Nile and the Tigris-Euphrates rivers. Individual governments are bribed or blackmailed into compliance with whatever combination of methods are necessary to achieve these evil objectives. The Jeffrey Epstein-Ghislaine Maxwell sex and pedophilia ring was a Mossad blackmail operation from start to finish as yet another example. One has a “handle” on compromised political elites and leaders involved in such international criminal activities, kept quiet only by the knowledge that failure to comply with the blackmailers will result in selective and targeted leaks to a Zionist Western MSM ready to run the materials on TV networks and the covers of major publications on a moment’s notice.
As Alternative and Foreign News media continue to circumvent mainstream media control of information dissemination and spin, average people in places like Dubai and Manama—and in communities throughout Europe and the United States—will become increasingly restive. They will become harder to control. This, and the Iran-Russia-China nexus, makes the Zionist, New World Order enterprise look increasingly shaky. I see this as a great development. I would like to see my own country and its institutions taken back from this Leviathan Beast before it destroys America completely through its overextension of Empire, national debt, and internal decadence reminiscent of the Weimar Republic in Germany.
Q: Is the Zionist entity dependent on such diplomatic relations with the Persian Gulf countries? What will happen to Israel if the relations are tightened?
A: It is noteworthy that American Zionist Secretary of State Anthony Blinken has recently warned Israel off from further cooperation with China. This latter relationship was exposed by the late Gordon Thomas in his exposé of the PROMIS affair which involved the Mossad, the Israeli LAKAM, British media mogul Robert Maxwell (Ghislaine Maxwell’s father), and Communist China in the siphoning of American nuclear secrets from Los Alamos Nuclear Laboratory and the compromising of government, intelligence agency, and law enforcement computers globally through a doctored version of the PROMIS software. The suspicious deaths of US Senator John Tower of Texas and US Senator John Heinz of Pennsylvania, in separate aviation accidents only 24 hours apart, are thought by some to be connected to the PROMIS affair, especially the Tower demise.
What is Blinken worried about? The possibility that Israel will hedge its long term bet on American power for other possible alliances over time, including one with China?
Only time tells. But certainly Tel Aviv, Riyadh, Dubai, and Manama have noticed what everyone else has: the real possibility that the Afghanistan debacle for the United States is a precursor to the collapse of the American global position generally. And since these regimes, like those in Western Europe, the 5 Eyes countries, Taiwan, and the Philippines have been tied historically to the Zio-American Empire’s projection of power and influence, a lot of governments who bet on the latter’s continuance in this role have to be very nervous. As yet another example, Nord Stream 2 may prove to be a longer term weakening of both NATO and the EU and the American position in Europe. The Ukraine Project of February of 2014 is looking increasingly dubious as well. There are many leaks in the dam. When does it burst? That is the ultimate question, with the answer presently elusive. But burst it will.
My prediction is worsening instability worldwide, economic turbulence, domestic political disturbances and divisions, and the very real danger of the occurrence of a False Flag operation somewhere to begin a global war the Zio-Globalist elite deem necessary to maintain their desperate quest to maintain monolithic control of what can no longer be controlled as it once was.
And again, a cooperative relationship of Iran-China-and Russia is key to halting the next phase of what the New World Order has planned, along with unprecedented domestic political protest in every nation affected by this scenario, especially in the United States and the West.