Martyr Haniyeh has stamped the annihilation of Israel: Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi

Hujjatul Islam Ustad Syed Jawad Naqvi
(Principal Jamia Orwatul Wuthqa – Lahore)
Delivered at: Masjid Baitul ul Ateeq
Lahore – Pakistan

Friday Sermon – 2nd August 2024


Sermon 1: Tayyab and Halal should be the basis of our economic life
Sermon 2: Martyr Haniyeh has stamped the annihilation of Israel
Religion has lost its major part. Imam Khomeini (r.a) would say Islam is lost and we have to find it. The Islam which Imam (r.a) introduced was Islam e Naab e Mohammadi (s.a.w.s). The current religion was termed by Imam as religion of Mutahajjir which is the shrunk religion with some worships and religion is not present in our daily affairs of life.
Religion is vast and most important is social life and in social life the foremost is political system for managing the affairs of society which is Wilayat and Imamat. After this economy. If there is management then there would be management of economics as well. In fact, if you look from need perspective then economy stands first. Man needs provision of life for this survival and growth in this world. Allah provides Rizq in the womb of mother for the fetus to grow and then when child is born the first thing child needs is milk. For a certain period, a child does not need anything else other than food. As the child grows the needs of provisions also grow. Ma’ash are the means of life and Isha comes from Ma’ash which means to spend life. These are arranged by Allah and in Surah Maida it is mentioned
يَا أَيُّهَا الَّذِينَ آمَنُوا لَا تُحَرِّمُوا طَيِّبَاتِ مَا أَحَلَّ اللَّهُ لَكُمْ وَلَا تَعْتَدُوا ۚ إِنَّ اللَّهَ لَا يُحِبُّ الْمُعْتَدِينَ {87}
O you who believe! do not forbid (yourselves) the good things which Allah has made lawful for you and do not exceed the limits; surely Allah does not love those who exceed the limits.
وَكُلُوا مِمَّا رَزَقَكُمُ اللَّهُ حَلَالًا طَيِّبًا ۚ وَاتَّقُوا اللَّهَ الَّذِي أَنْتُمْ بِهِ مُؤْمِنُونَ {88}
And eat of the lawful and good (things) that Allah has given you, and be careful of (your duty to) Allah, in Whom you believe.
Allah says do no exceed limits. The word Ta’adi is used for this which comes from Hudood. Allah does not like them which means he is destroyed and becomes victim of wrath of Allah. Verse says use the Tayyab and Halal things. These are the divine titles of human economics. Those which are not Halal and Tayyab should not be part of your economic life. And in this Halal and Tayyab as well you have to apply the protection mechanism of Taqwa. If you ignore Taqwa then you are destroyed. This means now whatever comes in your house in an insecure form then this is fire which you are inserting in the bellies of children. Today our system is like this only that people try to get income from any possible way. People do business and there is Taqwa in business as well. If you are buying, selling something then Taqwa should be in this. If you try to cheat the client because he is simpleton and earn then this is forbidden. Taqwa should be attached with your economic living else you will destroy it because there are calamities for everything.
One your food should be Tayyab and second is Halal which comes from Hil, Hal which has the same meaning which is against Aqd that is something knotted or closed. Hal means to unknot or open something. Halal are those things from which Allah has removed restrictions and kept free. Certain things are restricted like alcohol, impure things, dogs, swines and those which are not yours. Haram is the term used for prohibited and restricted things.
Tayyab is the term used a lot in Quran and is used against Khabees and we all have some idea about what are these and understand. But we still need to express clearly what is meant by Tayyab. We all understand smell but if someone is asked to elaborate or express smell you won’t be able to do. Fragrance and bad odor are objective references (Misdaq) and not the meaning of smell. There are many things preset in our minds without sensual understanding. When a Tayyab thing is presented you will say this is Tayyab with your own words like tasty, fantastic, nice, excellent, etc.
For Tayyab certain things should be known. One is that it is liked and acceptable by everyone. Second point is it should be pure. Third thing is it should not be dirty. There is a difference between impurity and dirty. Every dirt is not impure. There are eleven things as per Fiqh which are impure like urine, stool, semen, dog, swine, blood, etc. The other things are not impure but if impurity mixes with them, they will become impure. Anything which has these three elements present i.e. being liked, acceptable, then pure and clean. Anything which does not possess these three specialities is not classified as Tayyab. Mind is also like this, the mind that has good, acceptable vision is Tayyab and those minds, hearts with envy, ego and all evils which Quran and Sunnah presented would be Khabees. We should know the criteria for classifying things into Tayyab.
Allah has kept the title of Tayyab and Halal for your economic life. This means first it should be something permissible and not restricted by Allah. Then it should be Tayyab that is acceptable which can be identified by Human Fitrat. Here you have to adapt Taqwa and strictly protect with microscope on what you are earning is Halal and Tayyab. Just like one virus or bacteria is not acceptable in blood as it will quickly multiply into millions like cancer cells need to be removed immediately. If something Haram has come in economy, then immediately throw it out. As Ahlulbayt (a) says that a morsel of Haram food and a drop of Haram semen can never take guidance. Imam Hussain (a) said that to the army of Saad that you are not listening to me because you have Haram food in your bellies. The vision which we have to eat Haram then go for Hajj, Ziarat and mourn on Imam Hussain (a) is false. It is like doing Hajj, Ziarat with cancer so will cancer get cured. For cancer you have to remove that part from body and protect other parts of body. You should not allow an iota of Haram in your economy then only a pure progeny will come into existence.
Taqwa is a protection mechanism prepared by Allah, but man has to implement it in his life. Without Taqwa human life is not a human life. We are living a life where human beings and specifically Muslims are without Taqwa and they are most corrupt, shameless beings has been proven. Many people do not understand history that when Imam Hussain (a) started uprising against Yazid , there were all Muslims but they not participate with Imam Hussain (a) and did not dislike any corruption of Banu Umayyah. Then you see Kufa they initially expressed that they do not like Yazid but later they were foremost to support Yazid in killing Imam Hussain (a) and they proved more destructive. Why did they not come with Imam Hussain (a)? this was because a life without Taqwa turned them into beasts. Today also there are such Mufti’s present in Pakistan, on your media who support Yazid. How man becomes supporter of Yazid? When man grows without Taqwa, he gets born without Taqwa, when the morsels of Haram are fed. Three hundred days are over for Gaza and see the barbarism and reaction of Muslims. Two days before the oppression that took place in Tehran. The symbol of resistance, whose love was in the heart and veins of Muslims, Dr Ismail Haniyah (r.a) was martyred in Tehran. The Prime Minister of Pakistan has given condolence statement, and the PM has said why the Muslim world is silent on Palestinian oppression. Are you not a powerful Muslim nation? The Pakistani force has atomic power and is the most powerful force in the world. So, you answer why you are silent? Are you not having honor, self respect and why you have given so much opportunity for these crimes.
For Martyr Haniyah this is a privilege and for such a personality only this attire suits. They have adapted the path of martyrdom, and he would say that I see death dancing everyday in front of me, like Imam Ali (a) would say I was going to battlefield in search of death. Allah says there is goodness over every goodness, and martyrdom is the topmost with nothing above it. In the same week, the most senior commander who has threatened existence of Israel Foud Shukr was martyred. Israel says they have killed Hamas commander Deif which Hamas has denied. Ismael Haniya did this miracle and rubbed the nose of Israel in dust, disgraced them and their allies Zionist Arab and America. I have said this from day one that Arabs are more enemies of Hamas than America and Israel. These Arabs were seeing their death in Hamas and if Hamas inshallah will become successful these Arab rulers will not remain and is established fact, and all this has happened with their treachery. This is a big grief for us after Martyr Qassim Sulaymani and he was the one who has trained all these commanders. And based on the planing of Martyr Sulaymani, the Supreme leader has said that Israel will not exist after 25 years. And 25 years has not passed, and this war will end into destruction of Israel. When such incidents happen then cowards like us fear, shiver as to what will happen. But in the field when they listen to the news of these martyrdom, they become firmer. The ones who are out in battlefield will get martyred. If life was dear to them, then he would not have come so far. He would have taken refuge in some European country and lived comfortably. Before his martyrdom Martyr Haniyeh has sacrificed 60 persons from his family. This person was ready for martyrdom, he deserved this and Allah will include him with the martyrs of Karbala.
As the leader has said and Syed Nasrallah has also said that revenge will be taken. The only revenge is that Israel should get completely destroyed. This revenge will be taken by Mujahideen. The Khazil who have left Gaza alone, like Imam Hussain (a) complained not about killers but about Khazil who were expected to support but did not do this. The Khazileen handed over Imam Hussain (a) to Killers. Today also whatever is happening in Gaza is the outcome of Khazileen. All Muslim rulers, politicians, Muftis who did not give Fatwas, those who are sitting silent are Khazileen. Hamas has started and Hezbollah, Ansarullah will finish this, and this war is getting into state. Syed Nasrallah has mentioned that people have written letters that we are ready to come, and he said if needed we will need it. After this statement, there is only one revenge left that this cancer should be annihilated from earth. Now it is the time for all those who were silent Khazileen to come out as supporter. Pakistan can do a lot but the morsels of Haram from IMF, America present in our rulers will not allow them to do. This would be done by Hussaini, and they have to prove that we are Nasir and not Khazil. We should be prepared, and moment the call comes from Syed and Rahbar we should go out in such a manner that in entire world no zionist should remain. This war should be fought in every place, every capital where any Zionist is present. If they have spread the war to Tehran, then why can’t we spread this war to other capitals. All those Jews, christians, students of America who are not with Zionists will rise. The time has come where Israel has signed its death statement and Martyr Haniya has stamped the destruction of Israel. This is a promise of Allah that he will destroy Israel through these Mujahideen. The way you leave your land and reach Europe for jobs, then for Gaza, Haniya we should all be present in the field with shrouds on our body.

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