Netanyahu’s use of the Torah in his speeches about the Gaza war

FARAAN: A new research paper at the Center for Intellectual and Strategic Studies in Egypt has investigated the motives of the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime in using religion in his recent travels.


Benjamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of the Zionist regime, issued a statement in Hebrew and English on the 25th of last month, in which he quoted parts of the Old Testament in the book of Deuteronomy and the prophet Isaiah, in which the Palestinians are called Amalek and the Israeli army is God’s tool. He called on the ground to get rid of Hamas.

This article emphasizes that the negative effects of using the Bible may lead to the strengthening of the extreme right wing in Israel, as well as fueling the ideological discourse of terrorist organizations in the region and intensifying religious hatred in different parts of the world. Of course, the use of religious discourse in Israel is nothing new, but what is different this time are the motivations emerging from new data in Israeli and American societies.

A research paper titled “Using Religion: Netanyahu’s Motives for Invoking the Old Testament in the War on Gaza” points out that the Israeli prime minister was eager to read parts of the Old Testament in Hebrew and English, with the goal that the complex political discourse bring religion into public opinion in Israel.

Netanyahu’s goal is to pretend that Israel represents God’s tool to destroy Amalek in Palestine and Hamas represents darkness. This article on Netanyahu’s real motivations notes that his primary motivation is “to save his electoral and popular base, as polls show a sharp decline in his popularity among the Zionist settlers.

So he uses all possible means to thwart his political end scenario because if he loses the position of the prime minister, he may be thrown in jail. According to the mentioned article, the current American government is also forced to follow Netanyahu’s narrative in explaining the dimensions of the Gaza war in order to prevent the Republicans from abusing these expressions and gain political capital for themselves, which they will use in the upcoming American elections.

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