Akhtari at the meeting on the latest developments in Palestine:

Normalization of ties between Arab regimes and Israel resulted in nothing but growing weakness

The normalization of relations between the reactionary rulers of some countries in the region and the Zionist regime has not benefited them and has resulted in nothing but weakness for them, Hojat-ol-Islam Akhtari said.

Faraan: The head of the Presidential Office’s Committee for the Support of the Islamic Revolution of the Palestinian People said: “the normalization of relations between the reactionary rulers of some countries in the region and the Zionist regime has not benefited them and has resulted in nothing but weakness for them.”

Hojat-ol-Islam Mohammad Hassan Akhtari greeted the members at the first meeting of the Committee for the Support of the Islamic Revolution of the Palestinian People in the new Iranian government, saying that “the law entrusts the committee with tasks that the member institutions and ministries submit their proposals and programs for activities in the field of resistance and Palestine.

He noted that one of the issues that Iran’s Leader emphasized is that the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime is a crime and a betrayal of the Muslim Ummah, and the officials of the Islamic Republic and the President also emphasize in this regard.

Regarding the possibility of normalizing Iraq’s relations with the Zionist regime, he stated: “Iraq can not normalize its relations with the Israeli regime because the active Iraqi groups do not allow it.”

Akhtari went on to say that “although the Saudi regime has not officially announced normalization of ties with Israel, it has already had contacts and is still encouraging other countries to promote normalization, and they think that with these moves, they may be able to rescue the occupying regime in al-Quds (Jerusalem) and to break the resistance of the zealous Muslim people of Palestine, but they will certainly not succeed.”

“The occupation of Palestine continues and many Palestinians are killed and displaced. The Judaization of al-Quds continues, which is against all UN resolutions, and Israel has no right to continue doing this, although the courageous and zealous resistance of the Palestinian people continues.”

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