Office of the President of Iraq: Barham Saleh supports the Palestinian cause

In response to the leader of the Al-Sadr movement, the office of the Iraqi president stated that he supports the Palestinian issue and the complete liberation of the country.

Faraan: The leader of the Sadr faction, Seyyid Muqtada al-Sadr, issued a statement this afternoon (Tuesday) regarding and criticizing Iraqi President Barham Saleh.

The Iraqi presidential office also responded to Al-Sadr and wrote: “Earlier, the presidency received the draft law criminalizing the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, which was sent by the parliament.” The Iraqi institution issued a statement on its Telegram page, stressing that after receiving the draft, the presidency ordered that it be reviewed without any consideration, and it was published in the newspaper on July 11 to take executive action.

The Office of the President of Iraq stated that Barham Saleh’s position is firm and in support of the Palestinian cause and the realization of the legal and full rights of the Palestinian people and the liberation of this country from the hands of the Zionist regime. According to the statement, Saleh also stressed this issue in international forums and meetings of the UN General Assembly.

“It is very, very embarrassing that a person called the president of Iraq (Barham) does not accept the signing of the law” criminalizing the normalization of relations, “the Sadr faction leader said this afternoon. “That is why it is a disgrace for the people that their president is in favor of normalizing relations, a non-patriotic person, and even a subject of the West or the East,” added Seyyid Muqtada al-Sadr.

“I apologize to God and the Iraqi people for such a crime and for his candidacy for the presidency in the past and in the future,” the statement concluded. On June 25, the Iraqi parliament passed a draft law criminalizing the normalization of relations with the Zionist regime, and the law was passed unanimously.

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