Faraan: The attention of Pakistanis have been diverted since last two weeks towards Cricket and then Queen, who is the mother of Pakistanis. There was no Pakistanis who were grieved but they bought down the flag of country which was an insult to the country for a person who is the key family , community responsible for destruction of Pakistan. Imam Khomeini (r.a) would say that any lava that you have inside yourself throw it along with all your hatred on America. Iran was devasted by America and Pakistan by Queen. That Queen died and the drama of her funeral was scene. Some newspapers have written that this is done in movies. Like there are people in black who go to Dogs, honey bees, cats whispering in their ears that your Queen has passed away. Then various things they did in cities, moving the body from this city to that city, places. This ruined family which the Britain has been nurturing and on her death all this drama was done to fool people. Eventually she was buried in Coffin. Our Prime Minister also went in her funeral. The opposition has said that all the others were upset but our PM was laughing in her funeral.
With the burial of Queen many other things should be buried. Many other funerals should be carried and buried by the Pakistani community but unfortunately they are not ready to do this. They should bury the slavery which has come to us from this family and country along with the burial of Queen. The Inferiority complex against English people should be buried in a deep grave so that even after digging the further generations should not find anything. English language should be buried as a prestigious feeling which we possess. If we bury English then Urdu will revive because that is buried and these 250 million are responsible for this and all organizations, religion, non-religious are criminals of Urdu and this is due to making English as language of teaching. The deprivation which we have suffered from Britain should be buried.
A news came in media that Britain has taught the people of India and Pakistan civilization on which India reacted in negative but in Pakistan columns were written in favor. This is the culture which they instill that we should always feel obliged to them. The imperialists have looted us, the crown on Queens head has diamonds looted from India whereby both India and Pakistan, Bangladesh have demanded that this crown is ours and looted from them.
One shameless thing done by Pakistan TV anchors, who are lowly, abased, children of slaves having status of cancer in country. They have shown progress that the railway lines and stations were made by British. It is true the English have built this but this was not for development of India but to loot them. They had to loot wealth from all places for which they needed this rail network. Our courts bring out reference of English courts. Our education system is British, is this sign of development? Or looting and making a foolish nation to ride on them? But these anchors who victims of inferiority complex show this as development. This feeling will develop when Pakistani community starts to hate the era of British slavery. We don’t hate that land, their people and even now we consider Britain as paradise and everyone desires to live there. This Pakistani community lacking self-esteem develops and produces slaves inside us. Hence in Pakistan on every anniversary of Queen that comes, one by one all the effects of Queen should get buried and the system of Queen should get eventually buried.