Palestine, Arab League, OIC condemn Balfour Declaration

Palestine, the Arab League and the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) have denounced the infamous Balfour Declaration issued by Britain in 1917, which set the stage for the creation of the Israeli entity and occupation of Palestine.

According to Press TV, on Tuesday, Palestinian flags were flown at half-mast across the Occupied Territories on the 104th anniversary of the statement to remind the international community, the United Kingdom in particular, of the suffering of Palestinians and their deprivation of rights to independence, statehood and self-determination.

Schools held special ceremonies to reflect on the impacts of the Balfour Declaration on the Palestinian nation and its future.

“Today marks 104 years since the Balfour declaration. It has been a century of pain for us the Palestinian people but also of perseverance. It is time for Britain to apologize for its colonial acts & atone: Recognize the State of Palestine and sanction transgressions of the law,” Palestinian Ambassador to Britain, Husam Zomlot, wrote in a post published on his Twitter page.

The Arab League called on the United Kingdom to “correct this historic mistake and assume its historical, legal and moral responsibility by apologizing to the Palestinian people, and recognizing the Palestinian state on June 4, 1967, lines with east al-Quds as its capital in support of achieving a just, lasting and comprehensive peace in accordance with the vision of a two-state solution.”

Moreover, the OIC stated that the Balfour Declaration led to the creation of a colonial occupation regime in Palestine, which is exercising the policies of mass expulsion, ethnic cleansing, settlement construction and expansion, Judaization, land confiscation and property destruction, and denies Palestinians of their legitimate national rights.

“As the world commemorates this dramatic event, which has left a dark stain on human history and consciousness and undermined the values of freedom and justice, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation renews its unwavering commitment to Palestinian people as they are struggling for their legitimate rights,” it said in a statement.

Also on Tuesday, dozens of Palestinians participated in a protest at the Jablia refugee camp in the besieged Gaza Strip to demand the United Kingdom recognize an independent Palestinian state.

Protesters held banners and chanted slogans urging Britain to stand by its responsibility and recognize an independent Palestinian state with al-Quds as its capital, and to acknowledge the suffering caused by the Balfour Declaration.

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