Peace scenario from the Supreme Leader’s perspective

Israel's goal is expansion [of her territory]. The Zionist government is not even satisfied with the current Palestinian territory. At first, they wanted just a span of land, then they took half of the Palestinian land, thereafter, they took all the Palestinian territory.

Faraan: After seventy years of usurpation and various atrocities in the West Asian region, which are presently in the form of a psychological warfare against the regional countries, the child-killing and oppressive Zionist regime has claimed to be an advocate of “peace” in the Palestinian territory. The peace scenario was presented after a psychological attack of the Zionist regime against the gray strata of the world by the leaders of the usurped regime. In this brief article, we shall examine and analyze the peace scenario from the perspective of the Supreme Leader (May his authority be preserved)
The Zionists present the Palestinian issue not as a usurped land and making of the landlords homeless, but as a problem for the Arab people of the Palestine. They coined the term “world community” with widespread propaganda for themselves and those around them, which of course is just a propagandist term that is entirely deprived of popular support in the world. However, by fabricating such statements and the intellectual management of the world media, the Zionist regime turned the reality upside down and subsequently created a peace scenario.
The usurpers of Palestinian territory have committed countless crimes against the Palestinians; the original owners of Palestine, destroyed the Palestinian homes, killed their women and children, imprisoned their youths. Despite all these crimes, they have turned a blind eye to their black record in the last seventy years, but now speaking about peace and the deal of the century.
Israel’s goal is expansion [of her territory]. The Zionist government is not even satisfied with the current Palestinian territory. At first, they wanted just a span of land, then they took half of the Palestinian land, thereafter, they took all the Palestinian territory. They later invaded the Palestinian neighboring countries like Jordan, Syria and Egypt and they took their lands. Presently, the main goal of Zionism is to create a greater Israel. Of course, they hardly ever made mention of that these days; as they try to hide it. They still lie to public opinion. Why? Because the stage we are right now, it is necessary to hide their expansion goals! Today, the Zionists desperately need peace.

From the Nile to the Euphrates
The goals for which the usurped Zionist state was created in the Palestinian territory could not be fully achieved by this current Israel. The goal is [indeed] higher than all this. At present, the foundations of the Zionist system are shaken; they are therefore compelled to finalize the issue of peace with the regional governments, so as to be able to meet up with their own domestic issue.
The Zionists are not dissuaded from their goals, as they have not retracted the goal of “from the Nile to the Euphrates” that they have stated. It is still their intention to take [the land] from the Nile to the Euphrates! However, the strategy of the Zionists is to initially put their foot with trickery on a place, and then, as soon as their foot become firm, they can go as far as they can with pressure, attack, murder and the use of force and violence! But once they are faced with a serious confrontation; political or military, they stop and go back to the line of trickery, so that they can take another step forward with deception! When they take a step forward, they use the same pressure and violence again.
On the other hand, the issue of peace is [usually] raised between two nations that want to achieve peace with humanitarian goals and on the basis of humanity, but in relation to the issue of Palestine, the oppressed people of Palestine are on one side against the mischievous, evil, greedy, thievery, murderous and baseless government that was [formed] by gathering people from every part of the world and an amalgam called “Israel” was formed!

Did this become a nation?!
The current Zionist nation is an occupier and fictitious nation. There is no main element of a nation in the occupiers. They have come from different parts of the world, with different perspectives, different social origins and with different beliefs; but they were connected just because they belong to the Israelite race! They have been separated for centuries, but they are now being considered as a nation. An artificial and false nation; which has gathered in Palestinian territory in order to be a base for arrogant power in this sensitive point of the world, that is, the heart of West Asia and the heart of the Islamic world. Certainly, such a population cannot be called a nation and a peace treaty with them cannot be imagined.
By Majeed Raheemi

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Presentations/Messages during the meeting with the government officials and the ambassadors of the Islamic countries, 4/8/1389
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Presentations/Messages during Friday prayer sermons in Tehran, 18/2/1377 A.H
Presentations/Messages during the meeting with the participants in the opening ceremony of the Gaza Conference, 8/12/1388 A.H
Presentations/Messages during the meeting with the government agents, 9/3/1381 A.H.







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