Private Security Companies and Increasing the Hegemony of the Zionist Power

Faraan Zionist Research Base; The activities of the private security companies were illegal in the 1970s. The reason was that these companies and their subsidiaries were not subject to any rules or the international law in general. Nonetheless, after the Cold War, things changed. In other words, the United Nations introduced new approaches to these institutions, according to which those private security agencies could operate legally and freely.

However, the main reason was the will of the United States and international Zionism. After the end of the Cold War and the rise of the individual and social growth of the people in relation to various political and global issues, the United States could not easily invade a country for its own economic and colonial interests and on the other hand, be accountable to the public opinion regarding its own community and the world community.

In fact, these companies were a good cover for the US and Israeli military and intelligence activities in various countries. This is because they also had a significant impact on reducing the cost of war and expanding the hegemony of the Zionist movement. These security companies cooperate with their public or private parties in order to transfer experience, military and training commodities, support borders, and so on. They do this without leaving any sign for you of the official military presence of the United States and Israel and their direct interference in the world public opinion.1

Therefore, the United States sees the expansion of these security companies as an advantage in order to achieve its goals. For example, a part of the activities of these companies is to provide security and intelligence services whereby other than protecting personalities, investors and government institutions, they steal political, economic and military information of their target countries. Interestingly, the heads of these institutions are usually high-ranking US and Israeli military-security officials.

As a result, these private security companies are often involved in international conflicts and various security and government conflicts around the world and in other words, they gain their interests in this manner. A clear example of this can be found in the post-Saddam Iraq, where some 500 civilian contractors were present. The reason was the contract of 200 American companies that was signed with the Iraqi government.

It is interesting to note that a part of the work of these companies is to provide security advice and training. The important point is that in their consultations, these companies direct the desired employer to the governments of the United States, Britain, France and the Zionist regime with their proposed solutions; And this means increasing the hegemony of the power of Zionism.2


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