Reuters’ funny claim about sending Iranian weapons to Syria

FARAAN: British Reuters news agency quoted 9 Syrian, Iranian, Israeli and Western sources as claiming that Iran has used aid flights for Syrian earthquake victims to send weapons and military equipment to support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.


By reading the Reuters news, the reader learns that the sources of this propaganda are the following people; General Yossi Kuperwasser, the former head of research of the Zionist Army and the former director general of the Ministry of Strategic Affairs, and a military official of the Zionist regime who asked not to be named, Colonel Abdul Jabbar Akidi, who has separated from the Syrian army, a regional source, two Western intelligence officials and a regional source close to the heads of Iran and Israel and a regional security source.

The authenticity of Reuters news has been revealed by the nature of these sources!! Sources that speak on behalf of the most stubborn enemy of Iran and Syria so that they can justify the Zionist regime’s repeated aggressions against Syria and the crimes of this regime against the Syrian people. And of course, not forgetting the crimes of the Zionist regime in the field of supporting Takfiri terrorist groups to destroy Syria, which, of course, failed to realize this conspiracy.

It is clear that such news is in the context of the media and psychological war of the West against Syria and the axis of resistance, the purpose of these lies of Reuters and its fake sources is to force the public opinion of the West to accept Israeli crimes against Syria and the people of the region and thus pretend that it is the Zionist regime that is the victim.

The Western media have always been complicit in the crimes of the past 11 years against the Syrian people, including the cruel siege, the occupation of parts of Syria by the United States, Israeli aggression, and the continuation of the war in Syria by publishing false news.

It seems that the West and Israel are outraged by the humanitarian aid provided by Iran and the friendly countries of Syria to alleviate the suffering of the people affected by the earthquake in Syria. This is because they hoped that the human disaster caused by the earthquake, along with the world war imposed against Syria, would lead to the weakening of the unity of the people with the leadership and the Syrian army and finally the destruction of its system, but the solidarity of the people, the system and the Syrian army has led to the victory of Damascus against the enemy’s conspiracy.

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