Saudi bombing injures 10 Yemenis in al-Hudaidah

A number of Yemeni citizens were injured today in the bombing of civilian homes in al-Hudaidah province by Saudi aggressors, in gross violation of the Swedish agreement and the ceasefire declared by the United Nations.

Faraan: Al-Masira Net reported that 10 citizens, including women and children, were injured and resulted into financial damages as a result of the bombing of two houses in the Al-Fawah area in the Hays and Al-Jarahi areas. The aggressors continue to violate the humanitarian and military ceasefire, as well as the al-Hudaidah ceasefire agreement under the Swedish agreement, with the Coordination Officers’ Operations Room reporting 73 violations of the aggression agreement in the province on Saturday.

A source in the chamber said: “These violations includes the creation of combat fortifications in Hays, the flight of 11 spy planes in the airspace of Hays and Maqbaneh, 4 attacks of spy planes on Hays, and 13 artillery bombardments.” The invading forces committed 134 ceasefire violations in several provinces yesterday, including 52 flights of armed reconnaissance aircraft in the airspace of Ma’rib, Taiz, Hajjah, Al-Jawf, Saada, Al-Dhala, Al-Bayda and border fronts.

The mercenaries set up combat fortifications around the city of Ma’rib, while 13 artillery shells were fired, targeting army bases and popular committees in eastern Al-Balq, Mullah and Sarwah in Ma’rib, Bani Hassan in Hajjah, Al-Mulahiz and Al-Madafan in Saada province. The aggressor mercenaries also used artillery to target army positions and popular committees in al-Fakhidah, Jabal Tawilq, and the old al-Kanb in Jizan.

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