Saudis still closing Sana’a airport regardless of the UN truce

In a Twitter post, the head of Yemen’s national negotiating delegation Mohammed Abdul Salam said since the entry of the UN brokered truce, the Saudi-led coalition has prevented flights from reaching the Sana’a international airport and obstructed the entry of fuel ships to the port of Hodeidah.

Faraan: Observers say the Saudi violations are threatening the UN brokered agreement which is supposed to build for a comprehensive political solution. They are calling on the United Nations to intervene and open Sana’a airport.

In the beginning of April, the U.N envoy for Yemen Hans Grundberg announced a two-month truce. The agreement includes opening Sana’a airport for two flights per week and allowing Yemen’s fuel ships to arrive at Hodeidah port.

Yemenis say over the past seven years, the United Nations has always been providing the political cover-up for Saudi Arabia’s violations of international law. But now that it has brokered an agreement it should take real measures to force Riyadh to do its part of the truce and open Sana’a airport.

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