Scholars arrested in Kashmir is a sign of awakening within Muslim scholars (Ulama)

Faraan: A news flashed from Indian occupied Kashmir about arrests of Muslims scholars by Modi government. Modi has caught the nerves of Muslims that more the oppression the Arabs do they are becoming strong. The Ale Saud is doing the same oppression in Hijaz where they are arresting scholars of all sects and Bin Salman is doing this without any fear. This is a message for Modi that when they do the same thing in their countries no one raises voice in fact they will be happy and it is like that only they get pleased. The news that has come on media about the arrests of scholars which is a good message as well that in the past only some political , freedom leaders would get arrested but scholars were never arrested. If the scholars are being arrested now then this means they have started some revolutionary movement and this is the sign of awakening of scholars. You can see all the scholars in India are secure where their mosques are destroyed, sanctities are insulted and every day the Prophet is insulted but you can see none of the scholars are arrested. Who will file an FIR on silent scholars? This will happen only when they speak for their defense, protest and the arrest of Kashmir scholars is the sign of their freedom movement. We pray to Allah to keep them secure and may Allah grant Taufeeq to the Muslims of India to protect themselves and secure their sanctities and religion.

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